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Queer af. Nerd. Artist. Voice actor. Horror geek.

this comment got me good
Unexpected wildlife adventure this week: while walking Flynn in the backyard, I found this fledgling hummingbird on the ground, seemingly unable to fly and just constantly peeping. ;_; Thankfully, there’s a wild bird rehab not too far from me, so I zoomed the lil’ bud there asap. 🪶
I’ve been reminding myself of this poem more and more recently.
Flynn also sends greetings (and probably farts, tbh, I’m sorry, I can’t do anything about that).
After two days of watching me pick blackberries off bushes and give them to him, Flynn has started picking and eating his own berries whenever we go outside. I am now placing bets on how long it takes until he learns about the thorns.
Had a couple of surprise visitors this morning.
This is what I have to deal with any time he sees a box of Cheez-Its come out of the pantry.
Busted the bird feeder bandit again last night. 😑 Tomorrow is payday and I will be ordering a free-standing pole to put an end to this.
Quick vet visit this morning for a shot update so he’s good for boarding. Bless this dog for actually LOVING the vet, because he gets to see and be pet by so many more people. Only bad thing is the laminate floor he is constantly worried about slipping on. 😂
Kudos to this black snake for being so chill as my oblivious ass was so occupied with getting my keys out, I had no idea it was laying right next to my doormat until I was standing less than a foot away from it on said mat.
Late night bird feeder thief struck again last night.
Starting the next book before work, and man, I was RIGHT when I thought this one would be coming straight for my particular southern family baggage.
Okay I looked up the description of T. Kingfisher’s ’The Twisted Ones’, and as someone who’s spent most of their life in NC, currently living there alone with my dog, who has a grandmother who’s a hoarder? Guess I found my next read, lmao
You’re a vampire, who turned you?
You’re a vampire, who turned you?
It was far too fast for me to even try and get a picture, but a belted kingfisher flew past my window a couple weeks ago, and the shriek of delight I loosed was distinctly not human. Love me a funky bird. 🥹
Truly, this dweeb has clocked me directly in the eyeball with his wrecking ball of a tail more times than I can count, and I would have it no other way.
Does Flynn absolutely know what the phrases “come here” and “inside” mean? Yes. Does he frequently pretend he doesn’t when I’m trying to get him to stop farting around outside and completely ignore me until I ask “do you want a snack?”? Also yes.
Made sure I was appropriately dressed for today’s monster & creature sounds class.
It’s unfortunately not the right time financially for me to have a second dog and Flynn has made it very clear he needs to be an only child. 😂 But Jubilee is absolutely the SWEETEST thing and her forever home is gonna be so damn lucky to have her.
I did not plan on being a dog foster anytime soon, but the local animal control shelter HAD to empty 47 kennels by end of day yesterday due to mandatory construction/renovation, so Jubilee is hanging out with Flynn and I for a bit.
“Damn, y’all done got me working up an appetite!”
“There you are, you little killer.” “Now that right there is the closest thing we’ve had to an honest exchange so far.”
I don’t think I ever did an intro post here since it was all just folks I knew already when I scooted over, but hello! I’m Abelle, a queer non-binary voice actor, horror geek, and all around nerd. You can mostly find me playing entirely too many video games and hanging out with my dog.
Adding to my already massive to-read pile doesn’t count if it’s for work, right?
And the entire pod is for that tiny ass screen? Lmao get OUT, if I worked there, it would be mysteriously broken within 24 hours.
Flynn’s ability to deliberately block my view of a screen whenever possible is frankly impressive.
Tonight’s spooky viewing, let’s gooo.
Snoring like a log while I’m clocking in to work. 😒