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Queer af. Nerd. Artist. Voice actor. Horror geek.

Reposted byAvatar abelle
also and I feel like I buried the lede here: it calls for the people who CREATE queer media to be imprisoned. That'd be people like me. Or any other queer creator you love. Any queen who's been on drag race. Chappel Roan. Janelle Monae. Anyone who's made a piece of queer media. Imprisoned.
Psst: Project 2025 is terrifying for a lot of reasons but also because on page 5 it calls for teachers and librarians who grant access to books that are maligned as pornography (which just means anything LGBTQ) to be registered as sex offenders. Pass it on.
Reposted byAvatar abelle
oh did no men ever have to learn that. is it safe for Black men to express anger in public? what about trans men, who deal with people telling them that going on testosterone will make them angry and violent, how many of them feel OK expressing unfiltered anger? Which men are we talking about here
Think about how the most righteously pissed off woman you've ever met, still expressed anger through a filter she developed for her own safety over her life. Think about how men, who never had to develop those behavioral filters as survival mechanisms, express their anger at even trivial things
Reposted byAvatar abelle
Psst: Project 2025 is terrifying for a lot of reasons but also because on page 5 it calls for teachers and librarians who grant access to books that are maligned as pornography (which just means anything LGBTQ) to be registered as sex offenders. Pass it on.
Reposted byAvatar abelle
Nonbinary people don’t owe you androgyny! We owe you probably between $50-100 on average.
Reposted byAvatar abelle
If you had to choose between a decades-long friendship and creative partnership or being third-billed in another Jumanji sequel, who among us wouldn't slap on that pith helmet and cash that check?
Now I’m just imagining someone willingly becoming a werewolf and some well-intentioned folks trying to “fix” them against their will. “Oh, I did NOT sell my soul to Satan for you to do a take-backsies on his behalf, PISS OFF.”
• a bunch of stuff for Flynn. The boy would never run out of toys to eviscerate fluff from. • all the flower, Van Gogh, and LoTR LEGO sets. Baby needs to build the eye of Sauron in bricks.
if you won a million dollars what would be the first ridiculous thing you'd buy? something silly and pretty and fun for yourself. it can be small. I'd buy a hot pink e-bike or vespa, and give it pink marabou streamers.
Hell yessss. Also this has me wanting to dive into medieval lycanthropy myths, because I wasn’t aware they were different than the usual modern “oops, now you’ve gotta deal with this”!
I spend a lot of time watching teeny songbirds at my bird feeder, and every time I see a crow, I’m STARTLED by how large they are in comparison. “Oh, cute lil’ goth bird, lol”. WRONG. LARGE cute goth bird.
Reposted byAvatar abelle
What’s great about Biden is that he’s mentally fit enough to lie about his role in supporting the first genocide in world history we’ve been able to ceaselessly monitor on our phones.
“President Joe Biden, who has pledged support for Israel amid the country’s ongoing war with Hamas that has left more than 37,000 Palestinians dead, claimed in a recent interview that he’s “the guy that did more for the Palestinian community than anybody.””
Biden Claims He’s Done ‘More for the Palestinian Community Than Anybody’www.rollingstone.com Biden, who has pledged support for Israel amid their war with Hamas, claimed he's “the guy that did more for the Palestinian community than anybody."
I just keep getting more furious, because at this point, I sincerely can’t understand why he’s still saying this shit and remaining the candidate outside of his own ego. He’s apparently willing to risk damning the whole country so he can feel he’s in the right.
Yeah, i was just thinking the other day that it’s alarming how often I witness that particular type of bigotry and toxicity here, because I feel like I see it more here than I do on twitter at this point. And almost always coming from supposedly progressive white people. :/
This is why any time I have to fly, I have headphones on at practically ALL times, even if I’m not actually listening to anything; I apparently look more approachable than I would like, and travel is stressful enough without getting roped into conversation with someone I don’t wanna talk to. 🙃
Oh, I LOVE this idea. I actually don’t know that I’ve ever encountered a werewolf story that wasn’t “forced into this life and has to learn to deal with it.”
Reposted byAvatar abelle
Jesus, stickermule sent me an email telling to buy a shirt to support trump, I'm done
Yeeeah, I wanted to like it a lot, but it just didn’t really vibe with me for a few reasons. Felt like there was some missed potential in more than a few areas.
I am preemptively on the side of the wolves.
Yeah, this one incident would be MORE than enough to nope out of the whole relationship. Someone blatantly disrespects you and your belongings, with a side of huge manipulative scene over absolutely nothing? That is Too Much, goodbye, have a nice life & sort your shit out on your own, dude.
Oh man, congratulations!!! Those students are SO lucky to have you.
Reposted byAvatar abelle
Anyone still ordering at Sticker Mule? Don’t!
My last terrible job was NOT happy with me when I actively encouraged my employees to discuss their pay, lol.
Yeeears ago, I had someone try and argue with me that “redneck” was just as bad as the n-word because “they’re both derogatory”. They had no response to me pointing out “okay, but you only typed one of those words out, why is that?” 🙃
I HAVE to use alcohol-free mouthwash or it HURTS. When I was a kid, I once had a dentist give me prescription-strength mouthwash for something and I had to stop after two uses because it practically felt like I had a chemical burn in my entire mouth.
How. HOOOOW is anyone still able to seriously be like “maybe he isn’t a complete sociopath devoid of all empathy or the brains the universe gave a sea sponge!”???
Literal, actual real life lol.