
Beware the beautiful abstractions that subtly replace the requirements of the software with their own preservation
this is something i had to constantly work to counter as a product manager at a large tech corp. very easy for overwhelmed execs to fixate on spectacle over substance. on the plus side, i got very good at making things like refactoring legacy code sexy to C-levels lol
... I'm gonna need you to come to the company I'm working for. There is SO MUCH legacy code (extremely derogatory) and the VP of Application Development literally doesn't believe in the concept of tech debt. 😩
that sounds like hell & idk what to do with an engineer who doesn’t believe in technical debt lmfao
Oh yeah, there's no way I would actually wish this place on you. My team mostly just pads our estimates and sneaks in things like refactoring when he's not looking because we will deliver decent software to these people whether they want it or not!