Adam Vann

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Adam Vann

Ah, sweet screen time. You’re my real friends, hate-filled strangers
It would be so useful if there was a short word- like maybe one syllable with three or so letters- that described claims based on dubious or misleading statistics that catch the attention of fact checkers. Oh well, another unusual quirk of the English language I guess!
Here, I made this just for you because I care, I hope this clarifies some stuff. Be well!
Of course he is. Not sure what you’re on about, but I would again encourage you to work on your reading comprehension. The entire joke was about accusing other posters, not Joe Biden. You’re the punch line here, amigo
It’s all explained in the skeets right above you, champ. Reading is fundamental
See, now we’ve both been accused of supporting genocide even though we don’t. Congrats on officially joining BlueSky!
It's a suburb of Cincinnati. When he left he went to Yale and then got into venture capitalism. Not sure what's worse- genuinely falling for this shit, or knowing it's a lie but pumping it out anyway because you just love fascism that much
You absolutely support genocide. And white supremacy too, apparently. Nice dye job, Hitler Youth
Its the reason I give a lot of foreigners a pass when they ask how we can justify voting for "genocide joe" or whatever. Voting just has a completely different meaning in their system. I've got no excuse or time for my fellow Americans who think like this, though
You should definitely continue quote-tweeting my replies out to your many followers because my excellent joke hit a little too close to home for you. It's a great look, definitely not a comically transparent cry for attention and support from your followers!
Sorry to hear that. Chastising strangers on the internet because you can't take a joke is exhausting! Don't worry, us real activists will be on the ground trying to make the world a better place while you take your nap
Oh, I know I'm an asshole. That knowledge is the difference between me and you. Well, that and all the time and energy I devote to actually making a difference instead of antagonizing strangers on the internet who made a joke that hit too close to home
Me neither. I've been accused of supporting genocide, but I think accusing me of actual genocide might be a step too far. I mean I've only killed like six people, and they were all of different backgrounds!
A simple request, as both a fellow human who is concerned for your mental health and as a person who is concerned for the plight of the people of Gaza and sees very plainly that you being this obnoxious on the internet about it is really unhelpful ... take a little break, buddy
And incredibly it comes from a simple misunderstanding of American election! If we had a parliament the DSA would throw in with Biden to block out a far right coalition in a heartbeat and nobody would care. Do the same thing in a different order, and everyone feels entitled to their own candidate
"Uncritically"? OK. You know how people always whisper behind your back about how sanctimonious and annoying you are? This is why
Show me someone who has never been accused of supporting genocide and I'll show you someone who has never been on Bluesky
It's kinda nice of the Times to profile its own political journalists like this, really humanizes them
Tester and Manchin did the same. I'd be curious to see polling splits like this in the past in purple states. Certainly some GOP senators were running well ahead of Trump in their states during the 2016 and 2020 campaigns; how did those numbers ultimately compare?
"Us" is a plural word. You were talking about campaigning and voting, not Gaza policy. I'm not gonna try to pitch doing the right thing in November to you. I'm too tired for that. Maybe give this a read, though. just to see what you think:
There's No Such Thing As A Protest For all the eloquence and passion and rage in these arguments, however, they suffer from a common flaw: there is no such thing as a protest vote.
Ah, I see. So your position is that because you "read the polls and politicians" and can link to two of them discussing a one issue, you are qualified to speak for all of us about the upcoming presidential campaigns and election?
Wow, and all of those people told you that they are unconvinced about Biden and asked you to speak for them? How did you get that gig? It's particularly weird because I am one of those people and I don't even know who you are!
I feel your pain! I have to track politics for my job, so I've begun starting work at 6:30 AM just so I can shut it all down at 3 pm and block it all out
Do you have any examples from states where the Dems had a snowball's chance in hell any time in the last two decades? They obviously don't bother devoting resources to winning EVs in West Virginia or Montana
Any robust discussion about the right path forward starts with understanding that the New York Times is all-in on support for Trump's brand of fascism
Reposted byAvatar Adam Vann
if you’re trying to engage with politically disconnected people about project 2025, identify a specific part that you think will resonate with them. i just told my friend who’s a public school teacher about the plan to abolish the department of education and that got her hooked.
A whole speech? Even Ron Burgundy caught on after “go fuck yourself. San Diego”
I don't understand why people are like "it's just politics." Seems like great way to filter out the people in your life whose values and perspective you abhor! IMO figuring out which people in your life actually suck and are no longer worth your time and energy is the silver lining here