Adrian Bradley

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Adrian Bradley

Broadcast Journalist, podcast producer and audiophile. Produce podcasts for the New Statesman. Love theatre, Eurovision, otters and jazz hands. He/him
I said good bye to Tina this morning. She’s been such a lovely old lady to have around the house and god I’m gonna miss her. It was so hard - but the right thing, and i'm glad i was able to give her a happy and comfortable retirement home
Do i know anyone that can give me sewing advice? I have a really nice pair of jeans, but one of the buttonholes is a bit loose meaning the fly pops open. I feel like it's an easy repair but not sure what i should be doing
If you're thinking about getting an audio project or podcast off the ground this year, i'd love to get involved. I've got some free time for meetings/coffees this month so do get in touch -
Now I have storage nothing can stop me
Given i seem to be going regularly enough to invest - can anyone recommend some gym shoes for strength training? I'm currently effectively using plimsoles as i was told flat/thin soles is the ideal but any suggestions for better options?
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Reposted byAvatar Adrian Bradley
Merry Christmas may your cheese board remain unaffected by an emergency product recall
Merry Christmas all - hope everyone's having a wonderful day
Made's Yule Log yesterday - and wow - came out really well and tasted great. Will def be making again
Parents at Xmas 🤝 Gays on NYE Taking a cub to a party
Tom Scott has just linked to the latest game to ruin your productivity. I apologise:
Reposted byAvatar Adrian Bradley
You CAN be both an editor and a writer in the same way you CAN be both a motorist and a pedestrian. However it is similarly impossible to remember the perspective of the other while in the act
Avatar been playing with my 35mm slr. Still having fun but I have a lot to learn about light
Reposted byAvatar Adrian Bradley
Weird, my Spotify Unwrapped forgot to show me how much of my subscription money went to the artists I listened to. Ah well! Perhaps next year.
So where's good for dinner on a Saturday night in Nice?
Dammit - I've finished all the Star Trek lower decks on Amazon Prime :(
Have a ticket for Ruby Wax's show at Soho theatre tonight that i can sadly no longer make. If anyone wants to use it so it's not wasted let me know.
My cat has now decided the stairs are her bed. Now certain she’s plotting to kill me
Watched this yesterday - it's a 1hr 18 minute deep dive on Who Framed Roger Rabbit and it's brilliant - can def recommend:
My cat seems to have suddenly discovered an appetite (when in the past i struggled to get her to eat) and i'm hoping this is a good thing. The vet wanted her to put on weight so with a bit of luck she might be now
Reposted byAvatar Adrian Bradley
My red pill moment was discovering* the rest of the world doesn’t get chickenpox because there’s an easily available vaccine but the NHS doesn’t give it to kids because of how the unvaccinated would then get chickenpox later in life. *This was discovered the hard way.
Give toddlers chickenpox jab, advisers tell All children in UK should be given chickenpox jab at 12 and 18 months of age, advisers tell NHS
Reposted byAvatar Adrian Bradley
A clever move by Rishi Sunak in that it will completely change the tenor of how this reshuffle is covered by the broadcasters and UK press. A risky one in that, uh, China, Brexit, Greensill, etc. More in tomorrow’s newsletter:
Financial TimesFinancial
I know i'm so so so late to the party but Star Trek: Lower Decks is just so much fun isn't it? Even without me being massively into star trek ( a casual passing knowledge is def enough for me though i'm sure there's more levels if you know all the lore)
So hardly a controlled experiment but having forgotten my ADHD medication has given me a chance to notice what effect it was having on me, and i'm sure it IS helping. I'm still scatty and distracted but it's turned down for sure. Hoping to settle on the right dose soon
I've just realised that the reason I keep on putting things wrong in the work google calendar is because it starts the week on a Sunday!
Having rewatched all of Red Dwarf recently i'm just not convinced a prequel is going to be a good idea :/ There was a brief moment that it was brilliant - but it's never lived up to that since - and not sure we need to know about Rimmer and Lister before they got together :/
TIL that cats shed their claws as new ones grow underneath