
Oh yeah, cause not voting will definitely get you better candidates
What is the long play here? Stall for project 2029? Then 2033? Do you vote for any dusty skeleton fronting the democrats, hoping they'll change eventually? What is the actual plan? How will you change the democrats through voting? How do we defeat fascism?
Like, putting aside the horrible shot democrats are doing, just looking at the fight against fascism, or just conservatism broadly, it seems like the liberal plan is just to win every election forever, with no actual plan on how to love the party. What is the plan? I don't even care if you vote.
So, Dems win. 4 more years. What do you do during that time? What will they do? What happens the next election?what is your plan until then? Do we just argue hard enough until they change their minds? Do we just tell them how hard we disapprove of them, with no material consequence beyond frowns?