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Aviator. Check Airman (28 years). ❤️Animals, History, Red Sox! Love is love. She/hers. ‘Experience is a ruthless teacher but we learn. Those who touch your mind touches your heart’. Keep exchanges respecful. Smart mouths 🚫

Reposted byAvatar FreeSpirit
Reposted byAvatar FreeSpirit
Ugh. So that answers my question. If Biden has to step down for his health, it's a shit show because America has the shittiest, crappest, dumbest, most authoritarian, rigged, disaster of a democracy. Damn. But thank you to everyone who answered the Q. Time to fight the $ that wants him to lose.
Harris to be on Cape Cod today to fundraise forBiden Victory Fund. It's is in Provincetown (aka P-Town) Bringing Harris, "the second most powerful person in the world," to the very tip of the Cape was "no easy feat," said Bryan Rafanelli, event co-host/sponsor
U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris is in Provincetown Saturday. Here's what we Provincetown has been the site of several high-profile political fundraisers, with headliners like Jill Biden, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton and Cher.
If America lets this slide and do jackpoop about this then we're in deep doo doo. A delusional paranoid mental case at the helm. Good going.
That's the truth. They don't care and neither do people up at the top. Anthony Hopkins thought it is weird the T associates himself with Hannibal lecter - a fictional character. Called him his 'late great friend'. Maybe people will start caring when he decides to nuke us all when we're asleep!😬🤬
🤣😁 Bet they'll come up with some good stuff too. We have lots of perfect candidates for case studies. MTG, Jim Comer Pyle, Paul Gosar, Tuberville, Rick Scott who stood on that stage and lie his rear end off ... to name a few.😂
T has 'dangerous mental illness', say psychiatry experts at Yale conference. He is 'paranoid and delusional'. They said it was their “ethical responsibility” to warn the American public about the “dangers” Mr Trump’s psychological state poses to the country.
35 psychiatrists met at Yale to warn Donald Trump has a ‘dangerous mental illness’ Mental health experts say President is 'paranoid and delusional'
Look at my last post. It is very troubling.
Reposted byAvatar FreeSpirit
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Seems ousting the Biden-Harris ticket goes a lot deeper. Peter Thiel ( aided Vance in venture capital to Ohio senator) Elon Musk Dean Philips (Ran for President) Nate Silver (538 Politics Prediction) Steve Schmidt 🤬💩 (Silicon Valley Techies) Source is Eric Garland - American Intel Professional
It's not just the Dems. They are a very small part of it. It's a whole movement. It goes much deeper than we can imagine. Going to post that info now.
We must all do our best to honor her last wish on her post.
Democrat Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee passes away at the age of 74 from pancreatic cancer. Her last post 11 hrs ago. ‘The time is now to unite behind the President and get to work beating Donald Trump — one last time.’
Allan Lichtman just corresponded with Ron (Biden’s former Chief of Staff. Lichtman on video. ‘He is staying in. Here’s to the 13 keys that don’t turn on fickle polling.
Absolutely! Those with fortune should donate too!!
The source is Hakeem Jeffries on video. You’re welcome!
On CBS news tonight. Dr who treated T’s ear said he didn’t even need any stitches. Eric T is now walking back ‘shot took half my dad’s ear off’. Just a wee small difference yes?
WASHINGTON (AP) — David Letterman will headline a fundraiser with President Joe Biden in 10 days at the home of Hawaii Gov. Josh Green, a person familiar with the plans told The Associated Press, a sign that his campaign is forging ahead.
BREAKING: Hakeem Jeffries, House Democratic leader, and most important Democratic leader on Capitol Hill, makes it abundantly clear he supports President Biden. This is a big endorsement that should drown out other noise.
Allan Lichtman successfully predicted the outcome of all but one presidential election since 1984 has indicated that President Joe Biden is tracking to win in 2024.
You know it’s always ‘we’re the best, we’re the richest, we’re this and we’re that’ …. Horse manure!! I am so angry. Donors want an open process at the convention. Harris must earn her nomination. That’s utter BS. She has earned it. 👿
I hate how racism and misogyny run so deep in this country. In the year 2024. We just cannot freaking shed that shit.
AOC posted an hour long video on Instagram if anyone wants to hear what she observed going on behind closed doors with the Dems. We should be so proud to join the rest of the world with a woman president and extra proud with a black woman president. Can we be any more backwards ?
Bottomline - hate to even say this but they probably know Biden will win but afraid if something happens to him, Harris becomes President. Now it is clear she is their issue. Not so much Biden. Hope they know the millions who voted for this ticket will NOT vote for some other ticket without Harris.
Truth be told from AOC 👇😡
Truth be told from AOC 👇😡