Jarrell lives in the woods

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Jarrell lives in the woods


cis♂️, he/him/his, bisexual,🦝furry, silvermuzzle, atheist, nudist, feminist,
rescue🐱, former fursuiter, astronomy, musician, ❤️jazz 70s onward,
💍to @rcarterhall.bsky.social
No LGB without the T, Black Lives Matter, Native Lives Matter
Far better to feel righteous fury than depression. Fire up!!
I think we will. maybe I am full of crap, but I feel like the last six months have been nothing but a big ass campaign to depress Dem voters and Dem turnout. Making our institutions fall to crap, disenfranchisement and a full court media press with the GOP is inevitable. instead, I am pissed-off
i'll be making a post closer to I don't know if I will keep it on my personal account or make a site-wide announcement i'll have to measure how things are going the closer we get all of furry, not just FA or E6 or whatever, all of furry's existence relies on this election. they've outright told us
● 2003.07.15 — The book “The Homosexual Agenda” co-authored by Alan Sears, head of the Alliance Defense Fund, is published. The book asserts gay activists’ ultimate goal is “silencing” conservative Christians. Sears also accuses cartoon character SpongeBob SquarePants of being gay.
Treason cannot be ignored. Appealing to SCOTUS would be a joke. The DOJ and the President must use their power to correct this horrific situation.
Judge Cannon's decision this morning is a lawless, outlier decision with no basis in statute or case law. It is deeply dangerous for accountability and checks and balances going forward. This decision should and assuredly will be appealed immediately.
CREW statement on Judge Cannon ruling - CREW | Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washingtonwww.citizensforethics.org Judge Cannon ruling the appointment of the Special Counsel was unconstitutional is a lawless, outlier decision.
We need to defeat him at the ballot box. People joking about 3 inches, I get it. But think about it, if another with more than a half a brain were to win the presidency, Project 2025 would be implemented as planned... imagine something worse than tfg.
Make sure you’re registered to vote & that you have the correct ID required by your state. “Red” states have been purging voter rolls & changing the rules. Double-check your status. Please check your voter registration at www.vote.org/am-i-registe...
Check Your Voter Registration Status - Vote.orgwww.vote.org It takes less than 30 seconds to check your registration status with our free 50-state tool. And if you're not registered, we'll help you take care of that too. Fast, free, secure, non-partisan.
We saw our first Cybertruck in the wild today!! It was making a U-turn in front of us in Winchester VA. It looked like a big shiny black dumpster!
Just finished up a week where my supervisor was on vacation which means I was running (and cleaning) both wide format printers by myself. The week started out slow, but soon got crazy and I was exhausted every afternoon once I got home. I plan to be retired the next time he takes a week off.
Still don't have pinned post option? I personally wouldn't use it but I know others, especially artists would. I can just cover everything I want in my bio. Overall, I'm pretty happy with the options we have on Bluesky and the frequency of rolling out new ones.
There are many reasons you should stop giving the NYT money, but continuing to crusade against gender affirming care is very high on that list.
The main answer to that question is, surprisingly, because it does
"Summer is the annual permission slip to be lazy. To do nothing and have it count for something. To lie in the grass and count the stars. To sit on a branch and study the clouds." — Regina Brett #WhimsicalWondering #Walking #WeightLoss #Wandering #Wizard #SorinsDay
I carry my little chihuahua and only let her on the grass in the shade in the afternoon when the sun is at its hottest.
● 1985.07.10 — “Given a choice between sharing a park with homosexuals or a bunch of white-sheeted, racist, hate-peddling losers, we think we would prefer homosexuals.” An editorial in the Texas Daily News regarding an upcoming anti-gay rally by the Ku Klux Klan.
She makes a great argument.
Remember the days when folks said a Furry convention would never have more than 2,500 attendees?
📈 An absolutely RECORD-BREAKING year! #Anthrocon2024 🤯 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 🐾 Attendance: 17,639 🐶💰 Charity Donation: Over $100,000 (by attendees)! 🚶😺 Fursuit Parade: 3371 🖼️ Covered sticker boards and 6 foot pizza boxes: ✅ See you next year on July 3-6, 2025 for "Deep Sea Adventures"!
Never Approach a bull from the front a horse from behind or an idiot from any direction (Especially if they support drumph!)
I was born during Eisenhower's term. I lived through the Vietnam years, Nixon and Watergate, Reagan, Bush, all of it. I can tell you first hand, we've not been where we are right now. My skeets won't always be political, but the current paper thin line between freedom and fascism is in our control.
Yesterday, I attended a party with about 15 millennials & 20 boomers. Politics came up. Not one person had heard of Project 2025. I gave them a crash course on it. By the time it was over, I was able to convince everyone that this election is a choice between democracy and a dictatorship.
What's so hard about the choice? Biden or Trump? Cheesecake or an Amputation? A Puppy or HIV? One's a fucking rapist.
Yo, a week from yesterday in my beloved home town! I had two different jobs within a couple miles from where this is taking place.
Spread the word! 📣 #NOH8 photo shoot Saturday, July 13th in #SanDiego, CA: tinyurl.com/yd6ybwkp
Comes down to this: We outnumber MAGAs by a lot but they're the ones who are motivated to get out and vote by whatever means, and have 1 candidate they are in lockstep behind. Our enemy right now is not them, but our own fragmentation. That's nothing new, but the urgency to be united, unprecedented.
BELOVED "Those who love you are not fooled by mistakes you have made or dark images you hold about yourself. They remember your beauty when you feel ugly, your wholeness when you are broken, your innocence when you feel guilty, and your purpose when you are confused." ~Alan Cohen
I’m a tiny moose with a big art pile, come say hi at U15!
Remember to go check out my #anthrocon art show pieces and take home some of my art! #furry #furryart #anthroconartshow #animalart
8 years ago today Philando Castile was murdered. The criminal legal system failed to convict the cop who shot him despite the recorded evidence. We had to watch that video live just 24 hours after we watched cops shoot Alton Sterling in the back. (The video does not play at link)
July 6th, 2016 | A History of Racial Injusticecalendar.eji.org On this day, Philando Castile was shot and killed by an officer during a traffic stop for a broken taillight in St. Paul, Minnesota.
This Tuesday, it'll be exactly a year since I redeemed my wife's first invite code and opened an account on Bluesky. It's been pretty good here for me at least. I know many others are close to or have passed their one year anniversary. How has it been for you?