
where are the fucking editors at these papers, man? is there literally *anyone* in charge of ensuring clarity or readability?
i'm just trying to read a normal article about an election that occurred. please. that's all i want
setting aside *whatever* political bent these are coming from, in what fucking world does “sort-of landslide” explain what is happening for the reader? if you are not writing to be clearly understood, then what in the fuck are you doing?
In this case, tbh, Starmer didn't actually do that great in terms of vote share (the lowest in UK history for a majority govt aiui), or absolute number of votes, or actually acting like he won a landslide rather than offering empty promises because he's upset at losing some key players.
(he lost one of his Shadow Cabinet to the Greens (it was an incredibly telegraphed target seat), and another to an independent (the campaign kept the local campaigners but, like, I tested postcodes next door to it on the Labour volunteering site, and they were sent further afield))