
iTS wErKInG!!!!! What a fucking moron. Further explanation in the alt.
if you think throwing a bit of cornstarch on stonehenge is “making a huge mess for others to clean up” wait until you see what they’re actually protesting. the liberal pearl clutching just means that it’s working. more please
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I would not put my faith in an opinion poll. If disruptive protests are inherently bad, then every protest that is not a march with permits is inherently bad, going back to civil rights protests. (Please do not think this is me giving full AOK to *this* specific protest; my opinion is mixed)
Disruption can and has been a powerful force, but almost always in ways where public opinion *will not* change (sit-ins and freedom-rides) so attention must be brought to force governmental change. Climate advocacy must *swing public opinion* which is not set against it and this does the opposite.