
Somewhere soon, at a right wing law school event near you 🗣️: "I would prefer that the president not liquidate members of his cabinet in cold blood for disagreeing with him as a matter of policy, but as a legal matter...."
Justice Jackson: the next time a President wants to fire his attorney general, he has options.
“Look, I don’t think imprisoning the Democratic leadership in the house and senate is good politics, but it’s a perfectly valid use of presidential power”
"If the President deems that he's got to torture somebody, including by crushing the testicles of the person's child, there is no law that can stop him?" "I think it depends on why the President thinks he needs to do that."
John Yoo -
"I think it depends on why the President thinks he needs to do that." Supreme Six: "...but the court may not consider the president's motivation as it determines whether that was an official act. Yah boo sucks to you!"
"The Founding Fathers would have been divided on a Presidential button that sends an occupant of a Cabinet Room chair sliding into the Whitehouse Basement crocodile pit."
Scalia School of Law at George Mason already working up a syllabus on a new class “Kings and Bending the Knee: A Legal Requirement”
25th Amendment implementation now presumed to involve the cabinet fortifying an undisclosed location.
I heard windows are often on sale. Two for the price of one, etc.