
The grim irony of modern American politics is that the people most likely to claim to venerate the Founders are also the most likely to burn what the Founders created to the ground
Equally true if you replace "politics" with "Christianity" and "the Founders" with "Jesus." And the same people!
Literally running on the same hardware just swapped out a few words and phrases
The Founders: "no kings, not ever, no." Conservatives: "but what about a grifting orange con artist from Queens with terminal syphilis? That sounds like a good monarch."
I keep thinking that Biden should draw a direct line of comparison to Lincoln: "The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise with the occasion. [...] We must disenthrall ourselves, and then we shall save our country."
If the current six FedSoc SCOTUS faux originalists were alive in 1776, five of them would have been Tories and have fled the colonies for points monarchical. The other one would have been owned and sold among white men, something he continues to be and seems to quite enjoy.
That's not irony — that's intent.
See, I don't think they love the ACTUAL founders of America (or Christianity either). They love the fiction and mythology they've created around those figures. Of course, that mythology reinforces the values they held anyway - and if it doesn't, well, mythology can be changed.
Sure. The peoole most likely to claim they love Jesus would have been driving the first nails in. The people screaming loudest about the immorality of (insert whatever here: being gay, making porn, alcohol, etc.) are the ones doing it full bore in secret. The spouse who accuses you of cheating ...