
Some reduce the 2024 campaign to a contest between two old men, but it's a choice of two slates of federal appointees who'll impact your life in a million ways. Biden has staffed executive agencies with excellent choices who are doing good work. Trump will empower an army of Stephen Millers.
Under current law, you really couldn’t do much better than Biden’s FTC and NRLB. New Deal shit.
No matter how much I scream this people just say "but Gaza" and I am really so tired
how dare people think that genocide is important
One can agree that genocide is awful and unacceptable and still agree that trump is the worse choice Agree to change the things you can’t accept, rather than accepting the things you cannot change
Some people refuse to accept genocide. It’s really troubling to know that you libs do. Banality of evil and all, I guess.
And yes. I’m calling you a genocidal Nazi, because that’s exactly what you are.
Hard to argue with someone who doesn’t read responses… CHANGE THE THINGS YOU CANNOT ACCEPT Call your elected officials every day and demand that they don’t make arms deals with Israel
Just block her; this is both sealioning and gamergate level anti-truth behavior.
Brb. Off to sway my senators and President with my eloquent rhetoric. I’m sure that’s more important to them than their corporate donors.
one president will let you protest the war. the other will gleefully call on every redneck dumb fuck to run you over in the street while you do. have fun with that.
You don't have to accept Biden's war policy to realize that he's the only acceptable choice this Nov. If you don't get that, you have a sickening level of privilege. We're getting New Deal-era pro-union trustbusting under Biden that Bernie supporters like me have been wanting for decades.
lol "people who don't support genocide have a sickening level of privilege" this is close to other really good tries like "forming a union with your coworkers is a form of privilege"
No. Voting Third Party in November is a sickening level of privilege. This is coming from a guy who voted Uncommitted in Wis primary 2 months ago. There are ways to get change done, and ways that won't. Know the difference.
If we don’t support the Reich we’ll have to push wheelbarrows full of marks to the store to buy a loaf of bread.
We get it, genocide is acceptable to ya’ll as long the guy in a blue hat wins.
Name one large corporation that he’s broken up.
Call me back when Google is treated like Ma Bell.
Then why is your immediate choice to help the side who want to make it worse? Do you really not believe that Trump would make it worse? Trump's peace plan was literally to give Palestine nothing, take away most of their rights, and give Israel land and more control.
Exactly… trump and gop are even MORE warmongers than Biden et al… 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
The man who attacked Iran just because he could? Who publicly said he likes dictators?
We don’t accept Genocide; don’t assign labels The USA has long refused to acknowledge genocide - in Rwanda and everywhere else; when you acknowledge it, you must do something about it
Then why are you actively funding, planning, and campaigning on it?
The situation is far more complex I’m calling my elected officials and demanding that they stop selling weapons to Israel “You libs”; I do support funding school lunches, education, road maintenance, food safety, voting rights, a woman’s right to receive healthcare…
When you run a genocidal old racist for president, it sure looks like you not only accept it, but endorse it whole-heartedly.
While recognizing how bad the conditions are in Gaza now, how do you think they’re going to improve in a second Trump administration?
My understanding of the situation with the genocide and tthe politics in America is that Trump is not likely to make any changes to the situation at all.
im trying to change these things by directly threatening not to vote for Joe Biden unless he steps down and the Dems put forward an anti-genocide candidate
im not willing to support genocide to preserve my personal comfort
DeJoy can’t be removed by POTUS except for cause, and he has the support of a majority of the BoG. (Biden also has to keep Republicans on the BoG by law.)
Okay but what we want to change is western countries’ support of genocide
I’m very curious what the implied point here is. Is electing Trump meant to result in any even incremental improvement for the people of Gaza?
the implied point is that people care more about genocide than about superior bureaucrats, and they should. "I'm tired of them bringing it up" is ridiculous
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if you don't want Trump to win then it sounds like you better get Biden to reverse his position on Israel
Electing Trump does nothing but speed the genocide up, how is that helpful?
if you don't want Trump to win then it sounds like you better get Biden to reverse his position on Israel
Wow, I had no idea that decision was up to me! I guess Biden hasn’t been paying attention to any of the many ways I’ve already tried to make that happen, though, so if you can hook me up with his direct number I’ll be happy to use my apparently significant influence to change his mind all on my own
Got it. You're not going to suffer under Trump, so if he wins, it's no skin off your nose. This one issue is worth sacrificing everything else, even when those sacrifices won't change the one issue you care so much about. Americans will no doubt thank you for your service.