
Some reduce the 2024 campaign to a contest between two old men, but it's a choice of two slates of federal appointees who'll impact your life in a million ways. Biden has staffed executive agencies with excellent choices who are doing good work. Trump will empower an army of Stephen Millers.
Under current law, you really couldnā€™t do much better than Bidenā€™s FTC and NRLB. New Deal shit.
No matter how much I scream this people just say "but Gaza" and I am really so tired
how dare people think that genocide is important
One can agree that genocide is awful and unacceptable and still agree that trump is the worse choice Agree to change the things you canā€™t accept, rather than accepting the things you cannot change
Some people refuse to accept genocide. Itā€™s really troubling to know that you libs do. Banality of evil and all, I guess.
And yes. Iā€™m calling you a genocidal Nazi, because thatā€™s exactly what you are.
Hard to argue with someone who doesnā€™t read responsesā€¦ CHANGE THE THINGS YOU CANNOT ACCEPT Call your elected officials every day and demand that they donā€™t make arms deals with Israel
Just block her; this is both sealioning and gamergate level anti-truth behavior.
Thatā€™s what I normally doā€¦ why waste time arguing with folks when you can actually try to do something rather than just b-tch about stuffā€¦. Complaining is easier I suppose Iā€™m going to be 50 this year, I donā€™t have time to waste
I just turned 72 myself; it's given me a level of existential impatience.
So what are you doing to stop the genocide?
Brb. Off to sway my senators and President with my eloquent rhetoric. Iā€™m sure thatā€™s more important to them than their corporate donors. think not voting, or voting for the other guy, is going to bring about your desired outcome???
She hasnā€™t really thought it through yetā€¦apparently.
These are the new bots & trolls; they canā€™t say anything bad about the prez, because he is doing a good job, so they are trying to shame ppl into not voting, or voting against him by labeling ppl ā€œgenocide enablersā€! Itā€™s the new Russian/Chinese meddling. Donā€™t fall for it!
Just had to block someone who was carrying water for that nonsense. Iā€™ll just be blocking from here on out, I guess. šŸ™„
They refuse to think about that; trump will not help Gaza, he is a buddy of Bibi, but it is guaranteed he will send the US down the drain! These are bots, sent from abroad to mess with the election by using the ā€˜genocidal Naziā€™ label, trying to shame ppl into not voting, or voting against Biden.
No, they are truly affected. But please ask them, what will TFH do for them, when they help him get into the WH! NOTHING! He will call in the Insurrection Act, if they try to protest. Palestinians will lose, & the US will go down the drain. They gain nothing with trump!
very few will vote for Trump. give them a *positive* reason to vote for Biden