
Remarkable that we all spent the last 25 years actively installing software to fight malware and spyware and now the techbros are just putting malware and spyware directly into everything and selling it to us.
Ferengi Rule of Acquisition #44: If you can't beat them, join them for profit. 🫰🏻
Literally windows.
Ironically Bit defender is one of the worst. I can't fully uninstall it. Clogs my system up like a big steaming pile of poo
McAfee that came with my PC had multiple pop-ups a day and there isn’t an easy way to get rid of it.
Came here to say just this. I remember back in 2008 the computer guy at our firm told me I had to install it or risk Bad Things. As soon as I installed it, the computer ran 5000x slower, crashed constantly & I got 70 mcafee upgrade popups per minute. First thing I do now is uninstall that shit
malwarebytes made it easy for me to get rid of it.
This started 15 years ago. Mcafee was always just malware
And we all junked it, so now they're just putting in every OS and every app anyway.
It's been going on for a long time on a smaller scale, but this entire AI thing has put it on steroids.
And now the techbros are just putting malware and spyware directly into everything and trying to sell it to us, while wondering where the markets for all their software went.
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Turns out that when you are actively destroying the value in any other service, those shady ways start looking pretty enticing.
It's like medicines. You take drugs, make them all illegal, then license them and sell them to people at excessive prices, as medicine.