
There’s no one (but her) on record - what are we supposed to do with this? I ask sincerely
The more I think about this, what’s worrying to me isn’t the article, but the fact nymag decided to print it. They wouldn’t print it w/o more to back it up, right?
Olivia Nuzzi is quite unethical as a reporter imho
yeah - and the number of potshots and rhetorical flourishes in this don't help. But still - yikes. The fact they're printing it though? It worries me.
and to be fair, I had a laugh at the Rudy Giuliani stories, but he was already a sideshow at that point. This is the sitting President.
I mean, I have felt for a long time that there’s been a vacuum in leadership. Even if the president isn’t as bad as this “report,” he just isn’t able to get the very simple message across of why Trump is bad. Did you see the Times article about his interviews this weekend?
yeah - I'm growing increasingly incensed that people didn't go on the record earlier.
If you think the Times, or any of the major news organizations are neutral in this election you are simply not paying attention to the larger picture
NYMag has always been like this, it doesn’t surprise me
I should probably just assume people are out to make a buck, and then maybe it's not as worrying.
In what ways has she been unethical?
Shouldn’t she have sources on the record? The stakes are high and this is their featured story.
maybe if it's clear that it's 1 person's take - but that's not what the article implies ("many elite supporters"). I'm open to persuasion though - maybe I'm misunderstanding journalistic ethics.
IMO this has become more of a norm especially during the Trump years - getting numerous not-for-attribution sources and letting the collective weight of them carry a story that no one person would confirm if named. Not saying it’s good practice because it’s easy to get played by unnamed sources.
She broke into Corey Lewandowski’s house, she tried to use a recording device in the Trump trial and the judge threatened to kick out all the reporters are the two instances that come to mind
She didn't break in -- Lewandowski's door was unlocked. And I have zero qualms about her trying to record the Trump trial. Try again.
Sincere question: you asked me about my opinion and I had evidence to back it up. Do you think your reply was civil?
You didn't ask about "things that would give you qualms," you asked about unethical actions, and apparently there's a gulf between the two.
Or it's the story of the moment and they had to have something in it, too.
Genocide Joe has to go, never mind his ‘elite’ supporters.