
There’s no one (but her) on record - what are we supposed to do with this? I ask sincerely
The more I think about this, what’s worrying to me isn’t the article, but the fact nymag decided to print it. They wouldn’t print it w/o more to back it up, right?
Olivia Nuzzi is quite unethical as a reporter imho
In what ways has she been unethical?
Shouldn’t she have sources on the record? The stakes are high and this is their featured story.
maybe if it's clear that it's 1 person's take - but that's not what the article implies ("many elite supporters"). I'm open to persuasion though - maybe I'm misunderstanding journalistic ethics.
IMO this has become more of a norm especially during the Trump years - getting numerous not-for-attribution sources and letting the collective weight of them carry a story that no one person would confirm if named. Not saying it’s good practice because it’s easy to get played by unnamed sources.
Which is to say, I believe that people Nuzzi trusts really told her that, and editor/publisher were convinced it’s sound (or confirms their priors). But I’ll be skeptical that the people she talked to are honest players & not pushing some other agenda or sending out trial balloons.
I appreciate that... it's exhausting.
It is. And hard to watch when political media seems so eager to participate in slaying Biden while they pull punches on Trump & the GOP in the name of “balance.”