
"many elite supporters" but no one on the record - excuse the language, but this is so fucking irresponsible. Are you an insider with relevant information? We get that you have jobs and reputations you think are important. But we're barreling towards a Trump presidency w/o institutional guardrails.
The Conspiracy of Silence to Protect Joe The president’s mental decline was like a dark family secret for many elite supporters.
Understand that Olivia is describing her own cover-up. Not theirs.
I don't want to dismiss this out of hand, but Olivia Nuzzi has always had the writing style and overall demeanor of a gossip rag columnist, and this story has a lot of "main character syndrome" going on here. I'd like to believe there is serious sourcing behind this to go to print.
I guess elderly people are not allowed to make jokes about their own mortality without it being an admission they are cognitively incapacitated? Please.
Lots of right-wing journalists are promoting the complaints of people whose roles in the Biden admin/campaign or in the Dem party are fairly marginal. Currently there's some nonsense from CNBC insinuating that major donors are working to push Biden out. Then it names a non-major donor.
CNBC is having a pretty wild time here slinging the BS. The Disney heiress who's trying to dictate the Dem candidate gave less than $56K to Biden in the 2020 race. Nothing since then. Her contributions during the last 2 cycles have been much more modest, mostly to Jane Fonda's climate PAC.
Disney heiress, wealthy Democratic donors say they won't finance the party until Joe Biden drops President Joe Biden faces a rebellion from wealthy Democratic donors after his debate performance against Donald Trump.
Some worries here: Many journalists want to edge in on this schtick and will now write poorly source garbage to get the byline/clicks Editorial boards should not allow these stories imply because they're being denied access -- that's not journalism!
Bethany, don't you get that DC careers resting on omerta are more important than the future of the republic?
"Many people are saying" sounds just like Trump talk.