
The rail story is a useful test case because the follow-through got nearly zero coverage, while lots of people, me included, had filed the original event away as a betrayal by Biden. So you get the surprising new facts and you reevaluate your conclusions, or else you do the other thing.
also opens the useful thought experiment of "so how come they didn't report that part?"
Way too many people think strikes are the point of being in a union. Reporting on behind-the-scenes negotiations that may drag out for months/years is not getting anyone's attention unless you're actually in the union.
I was thinking "strikes are the battles of the workers" and then I thought "maybe this fixation on strikes as a good in themselves is coming from a similar place as the celebration of battle in itself"
The glory of taking a stand against corporate tyranny
When all you want are promos and matches
yeah I think people who aren't involved in labor representation miss the point that despite the adversarial nature of the system, strikes and worse are a failure state of negotiation and unions generally don't actually want to soak their workplaces because that's also still where their workers work.
hm, that doesn't sound emotionally gratifying at all. Sounds like we need to get in there and change the leadership's attitude. How do we get into labor unions again?
the original point in my head being more: "strikes are the battle/war, the negotiations are the diplomacy the strikes enable."
yeah, kinda my point as well - the internet doesn't care about diplomacy, only direct observable conflict where you can pick a side (which is more about choosing who the villain is)
"Strikes are the continuation of contract negotiations by other means."
certainly a high percentage of terminally on-line coffee shop marxists think strikes are the point of being in a union. it's just another affectation to punish their high income suburban parents