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"The patriarchy hurts men too, but not enough of them if you ask me."

Architect. He/him.
Absolutely hilarious that this comes on the day of (yet another) BIDEN MUST DROP OUT post from Erik Loomis. At least one LGM poster had the intelligence to notice the Parkinsons doctor thing was bullshit before Campos could endorse it fully.
“I think it’s winnable. I have always said Trump is a threat to democracy. You can’t call the race now. I mean, this is ridiculous…” — Sen. Joe Manchin (I-WV), speaking to reporters about President Biden’s odds of winning re-election.
Reposted byAvatar JRoth
And yes, I’m a former senior admin official. But I’m also a career climate policy person. And a committed poaster. And my assessment as all three is that the Biden admin has succeeded in climate way beyond what was even possible. We should celebrate that, and keep doing more, every year, forever.
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"Is there a difference between Zip Drives and USB Drives?" God damn do I feel fucking old now. ☠️
Reposted byAvatar JRoth
I don’t really think there is anything in the near term readers can do to change The New York Times. They are going to stay on this path, certainly through this election cycle. The best thing any of *us* can do, is stop reading/sharing/linking. Treat them like Fox.
About 7 years ago we took a family vacation to Cape Cod that happened to coincide with Bear Week in P-town, so I got to explain that to my kids (9 & 13). Which was fine, but also funny. PS we live in Pittsburgh, where the annual furry con is a huge, happy deal.
Because of the Mets I had to explain to my dad that Furries aren’t just a fetish, they’re also a lifestyle thing like leather daddies. He also didn’t know about leather daddies.
Reposted byAvatar JRoth
If they do put Kamala Harris on the top of the ticket, I am prepared for a level of misogynoir unwitnessed since Rosa Parks sat down on that bus.
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Reposted byAvatar JRoth
America is a country that occupies the land of my nation and which shouldn't have existed in the first place, but I'm still proud to be a member of a country founded on the ideal, no matter how hypocritical it's been in practice, that no man is above another. That is an ideal worth fighting for.
Reposted byAvatar JRoth
Some great people work in other parts of the paper, and in the editorial section I like some columnists (tho they're not on the editorial board, so maybe moot), but the NYT politics desk has fervently and with complete consistency worked to elect Republicans the 30+ years I've been paying attention.
Reposted byAvatar JRoth
Folks with terribly unpopular, & terrible, ideas want you to believe everyone is with them. They are not. 3 years ago a US Climate Corps, electric school & transit buses, & green infrastructure investments that cool down cities were just ideas. Now they’re real. With hard work, we can have hope. 🇺🇸
Reposted byAvatar JRoth
just watched 74 people speaking at least a dozen different languages become american citizens in a ceremony at monticello, where the speakers were themselves children of immigrants. inspiring stuff and a vivid illustration of what reactionaries want to snuff out
Reposted byAvatar JRoth
People don’t seem to get this Klobuchar, Buttigieg, etc dropped out because they lost SC, they had no reason to believe they would improve their performance with Black voters, and without managing that their campaigns were all doomed
What Biden did that none of the younger candidates managed in 2020 was win a substantial number of Black votes. That’s the entire reason they all gave up after South Carolina
Reposted byAvatar JRoth
An e-Camino would print money for General Motors. It’s like a reverse cybertruck.
Reposted byAvatar JRoth
Been out for a bit, but noticed that the 2023 data on BLM oil and gas leasing came out today. Biden is keeping it far lower than prior administrations. It's far easier to stop drilling by not leasing than through any kind of action once a lease is issued & a property right created.
Reposted byAvatar JRoth
this is more on the nose than i thought possible
(My favorite story is that you can find in the Jefferson archives one of his essays that TJ started to translate, and he stops /exactly/ where Condorcet starts talking about the moral necessity to give Black folk and women the right to vote!)
Reposted byAvatar JRoth
Someone put up the foam brick pedestrian crossing concept in Pittsburgh. For people in the city, this is at Negley and Rippey.
Reposted byAvatar JRoth
You know its a good sign for someone's career in politics when everyone they worked with is spending the moments after their primary defeat cackling and dunking on them
Reposted byAvatar JRoth
I see explanations of Nosferatu “that’s just how they acted in the 1920s silents.” No, it wasn’t. It was a limited movement among a few German filmmakers that was briefly in vogue. Unfortunately, Nosferatu is one of the most viewed silents, so perspective is skewed.
Reposted byAvatar JRoth
The "Czechia" thing is highly contentious in CZ and is a right wing political op, just like the Turkey thing. A lot of people (like me) absolutely hate it because it totally erases Moravia. I much much prefer people to say Czech Republic cuz it's not fasc.
Reposted byAvatar JRoth
An underrated possible future is that in a few months time Donald Trump loses the election and then spends the rest of his life in court and in jail for his many crimes. Like, this could definitely be how things go
Reposted byAvatar JRoth
The point of civil disobedience is to demonstrate the injustice of a law by visibly inviting its enforcement. Just doing random unrelated crimes to nebulously ‘raise awareness’ is not that.
Surely a role for the new Climate Conservation Corps or whatever it’s called. In the short term, we need lots of initial work, but over time maintenance will grow as a share. And it will be very good to do these kinds of jobs in places where ppl live rather than (just) out in the re-wilderness.
Maintenance, like most other infrastructure is key & ignored. We did a bunch of work trying to understand green infrastructure performance & anecdotally folks are not treating it like infrastructure yet. There’s a lot we don’t know but we should deploy anyway. eg: www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10....
Using rainfall measures to evaluate hydrologic performance of green infrastructure systems under climate changewww.tandfonline.com As climate change alters precipitation patterns, stakeholders will need to understand how performance of green stormwater infrastructure (GSI) could change in response. As an alternative to using o...
Reposted byAvatar JRoth
helpfully annotated by highlighting the course of the hydrological main headwater of the system
I thought this was pretty astonishing: the Mississippi River and its tributaries.
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Reposted byAvatar JRoth
This curve will level out eventually, because such curves must in a finite world, and when it does, the usual outlets will frame it as “solar’s good times are over” or whatever. We’re living through some very bad things, but also one of the most widely beneficial rollouts of any technology ever.
Contender for favorite chart of all time: Predictions vs. Reality for solar energy.
Reposted byAvatar JRoth
Reposted byAvatar JRoth
happy pittsburgh banana day to all who celebrate
My wife doesn't find this sort of thing at all funny. My son does.
Since we’re doing Calvin’s Dad Discourse today, here’s one version of him that I can really appreciate now that I have an inquisitive kid
Reposted byAvatar JRoth
There is one train daily from Chicago to DC, one from Chicago to NYC, and one that takes a long route through DC and up to NYC. Adding frequency to these, or even to segments along them (Chicago to Cleveland and/or Pittsburgh and the same cities to DC and NYC) would benefit both short and long trips
I nearly made my connection but a fire stopped all train traffic in Chicago. Instead of taking the Capitol Limited to Pittsburgh and transfering to Philly I took a longer route through NYC. Frequent trains on the NE Corridor make this possible - other times I've gone to DC and then up to Philly.