Andrew Leamon

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Andrew Leamon

comic book writer (MONOLITH, RADIANT BLACK #22 Backup, FOURTHMEAL [Taco Bell Quarterly vol. 4], WE THE DREAMERS) | nintendo nerd | chainsaw man enjoyer | dog dad | he/him

Upcoming: CAMERA MAN #1

Comics & Contact Info:
We might need a new definition of "new creators"... ANNNDDD that's all the subposting from me today. ✌️
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Extremely disappointed that couldn't make it work financially. Amazon truly did just ruin digital comics for everyone, tanking an entire burgeoning industry and torching any potential customer base.
Omnibus 2022–2024 — Omnibus Digital Comic Store &
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There have been some great double guest episodes on the Cryptid Creator Corner. Check out all the links below!
The universe needs a superhero, and someone's got to film it. You only have 45 hours left to pre-order your copy of Camera Man #1 on Kickstarter! BACK TODAY:
Writers, Mind if I ask how you are connecting with editors? I'm not sure if I'm okay to cold email folks with an introduction or if I should be doing something specific.
Oh hell yeah. I will be at one of the North by Northwest and Playtime showings. 😍
Tickets are now on sale for SUMMER OF 70MM! Featuring Alfred Hitchcock's NORTH BY NORTHWEST, John Ford's THE SEARCHERS, Jacques Tati's PLAYTIME, and Walter Hill's STREETS OF FIRE! August 8th - 11th Get Tickets Now:
Reposted byAvatar Andrew Leamon
Pro tip: The choices you make for the book itself are just as important for your sales as the choices you make inside it. Things like cover design and paper stock weight and quality matter.
Pro tip: The choices you make for the book itself are just as important for your sales as the choices you make inside it. Things like cover design and paper stock weight and quality matter.
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I feel like everyone would post better if they remembered that Weird Al Yankovich is here and he’s seeing all your posts and if they’re bad you might make him sad
Explain your book in one short sentence badly: A camera operator has a rough time on set.
Explain your book/WIP in one short sentence badly (I've got a few): Bitter ex-girlfriends reunite as the city of Chicago wants their blood A girl and her large, weird dog tour America doing crimes Living in Oklahoma sucks real bad What if the Big Brother house was a boxing ring
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Reposted byAvatar Andrew Leamon
we all make moral compromises to survive under capitalism, except you, bluesky poster, the only pure creature in the land, who, by virtue of said purity, has the ethical clarity to decide who should walk away from their salary and benefits
Reposted byAvatar Andrew Leamon
this is by far the craziest longshot candidate replacement idea I’ve heard, but if the technology’s there I’ll hear them out
I take a step outside, and I get bitten by every mosquito on this planet. My legs will never know peace.
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Looking for a new Kickstarter comic to back? and have you covered! Check out my latest interview about their film-making superhero comic, Camera Man!
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I woke up to drop off my partner at the train station and now I can't sleep... AMA.
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#PortfolioDay I'm a comic book writer with a track record of putting out well-received stories on time. My current comic on Kickstarter is 161%+ funded. I love working with editors on stories set in original/existing worlds. [email protected]
I saw ads for Winnie the Pooh and Tigger themed "divination coins" on Instagram last night, and I'm still annoyed by how many blatant scams exist out there under the guise of capitalism.
We JUST announced our stretch goals earlier today, and we broke $5K! 🥳 That means we just unlocked A SECOND stretch goal! Everyone who backs any one of the physical tiers is getting a free sticker set. Thank you all so much for this incredible support!
A superhero in the (film)making! 🎥📹 ONE WEEK LEFT TO PRE-ORDER YOUR COPY. 📹🎥 Pre-order Camera Man #1 on Kickstarter today:
A superhero in the (film)making! 🎥📹 ONE WEEK LEFT TO PRE-ORDER YOUR COPY. 📹🎥 Pre-order Camera Man #1 on Kickstarter today:
I have to go in for jury duty today. I'm hoping it's less what I imagine and more like the Pauly Shore movie, but I'm not hopeful.
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#PortfolioDay ✨ I'm Nicky & i draw comics as well as color and flat them 💖 i'm mostly interested in working on adult and upper YA projects outside of my own graphic novel endeavors & u can shoot me a line at: [email protected]
Reposted byAvatar Andrew Leamon
When someone talks about whether you can separate someone from their work, I know the someone they’re talking about is a white man. Marginalized creators (including young women who are that man’s victims) are never allowed to have their work considered apart from their marginalization.
I see we've reached the "famous artist credibly accused of sexual assault wasn't actually a great artist and you're a chump for liking him" phase. Consider that pretending terrible people can't make great art helps terrible people who make great art whedon their way into vulnerable communities.
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Hey Ho #PortfolioDay !! My name is Laura, Laurz if you're cool (you look cool). I draw comics, covers, and basketball shit. Welcome!
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oh man it's #PortfolioDay I'm Sierra, I like history and folklore, and I make comics about those things. I always want to work on TTRPG stuff, fantasy and nonfic history comics, and anything with cool monsters and/or horsemen. Rep'd by Matt Belford.
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Happy #PortfolioDay! I'm Ben Kahn, a GLAAD Media Award nominated comic and novel writer. My upcoming graphic novel MR. MUFFINS, is about a boy and his magical corgi saving the galaxy! Coming from Oni Press in January 2025, you can pre-order it now!
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"You should make art today" A comic about the internal struggle to motivate yourself to make some art
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New Transcending Comics just dropped! This week, Joe Corallo and I are discuss the work of Rachel Pollack, one of the most influential trans creators in the history of comics and tarot! Researching Rachel was an incredibly enriching experience, and it's broadened my horizons on many subjects!
#PortfolioDay I'm a comic book writer with a track record of putting out well-received stories on time. My current comic on Kickstarter is 161%+ funded. I love working with editors on stories set in original/existing worlds. [email protected]