
Hey, you: where you can, make your life easier. My head has been hurting a lot recently, and it's either making my eyes worse, or it's from eye strain. Changed my laptop to a WAY, WAY bigger resolution. Huge help. Where you can, give yourself some help ❤️
Nothing needs to be a certain level of "bad" before you can try to get some relief from it. You deserve to try and make things better for yourself now in whatever little (or big!) ways you can. Boost your resolution. Use a cane. Put on socks. Get a sturdier glass. Take care of yourself.
“Bump up your font size” is okay and good!
1000000%. I'm at a MASSIVE size yesterday and today because of whatever my head but it really helps, so, well, let's go!
I used to be self conscious of it for screen shares in the judgmental tech world but anymore I just tell them about ICQ and MySpace and when the default instance was the only option for SQL Server.
I've also been having the head pain / eyes worse issue. solidarity.