Max Cerrina

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Max Cerrina

Queer, mega squirrel-fan, nerd, developer. Passionate about ALL THE THINGS. 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🐿️
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There needs to be an app that can tell you the route of a walk that’s mostly shade. I have a black curly dog and this info is important
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Curious if any hypermobile/EDS people have experience with neck bracing. I'm beginning to suspect that one of the drivers of my migraine loops is that my migraines cause muscle weakness that aggravates my probable CCI, which drives more migraines.
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Another new update has been rolled out - everyone given 15 gold - ancestries have been added listAncestries chooseAncestry - leveling up has been added - bug fixes - more information in comments below
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Heat intolerance is a long covid symptom & side effect of many meds, from blood pressure to mental health meds… which are common post-covid needs. The rise of fascism during climate collapse & a covid surge is a real bad time to spread illness & disability. Wear an n95 in public. Resources in 🧵
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What if we all just decided not to today?
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I tried asking this on Threads & didn’t really get any replies. Maybe here? 👉Just wondering about the calls for illustration - do you mostly want styles that look realistic, highly rendered and polished (e.g like Magic the Gathering art)? #books #booksky #kidlit
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You had me at “exceedingly dry in-jokes for recherché subcultures”
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Has anyone who follows me worked in or around carnival/amusement rides and has an understanding at how height requirements are determined? Shoot me an email, I have some questions: [email protected]
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does anyone have a recommend for - masks for an MRI and, separately, - masks you tape to your face with no straps or ear things asking bc i need an MRI and also, i wanted a friend to help me cut my hair some time but i guess who am i kidding i couldn’t buy either lol hm.
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drop the most powerful image in your gallery with zero explanation
This morning's headache is still present but the bite of it has faded with caffeine, meds, and food.
Is being able to save/bookmark individual posts on a roadmap/feature request list at all for It's really the only thing I miss from other social media, but it's a tool I use CONSTANTLY.
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There's ALWAYS time for cat videos!
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Me: doctor, I don't feel well Doctor: do you have a cough? Me: that's the funny thing, it's not so much a cough, it's more of a 'moo' sound Doctor: oh dear, I'm afraid it's... Bovid Me: should I take time off work? Doctor: absolutely, milk it for all its worth
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okay here me out: what if it was autumn
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I just want quality screen-printed tees on 100% cotton fabric and yes I am willing to pay!! Take my money!!!
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As someone who doesn't have anyone helping with any of this, yeah. I don't get to just focus on being a patient and doing things that may get me better. I have to manage several homecare people and assistants myself, I'm the only person providing a roof over my head and running the household, etc.
I think the thing that makes me angry, perpetually Is that yes, long COVID and ME and all these other chronic illnesses are devastating and we don't know how to treat them But adequate housing and support for things like bathing and ordering groceries can 100% help
Avatar I forgot to write it down last time I saw it but I am much with the MCAS and am getting a covid booster tomorrow; could you point me at what you do anthistamine wise for that, please? Or what I could find it?
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My husband and I have repeatedly, recently, turned to one another and expressed shock at how Newgrounds not only survived the 1.0 web, but 1) Not changed character and 2) Become seriously relevant again. It's like finding out Elfwood is still around and still expects you to apply to a waitlist.
My best guess is either here, Cara, Newgrounds, and a few others.
Nephrology appointment scheduled!!!
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I need to write the whole piece about this, but the thing to understand is that the NYT is now just Facebook. The platform dictates narrative to normies, is totally gamed by the right, and is still so ubiquitous as to be unavoidable even by those who see how broken it is. It's just Facebook.
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some of those that burn crosses are the girls who love horses
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This isn't nothing. I've heard conversations where people talk about not using their walkers (when they should, or lamenting they didn't) because they don't want their friends or family members to be embarrassed to be seen with them. There are myriad consequences to shitty depictions here.
Hey, you: where you can, make your life easier. My head has been hurting a lot recently, and it's either making my eyes worse, or it's from eye strain. Changed my laptop to a WAY, WAY bigger resolution. Huge help. Where you can, give yourself some help ❤️