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Alien hermit of liminal spaces | hyperactive on the spectrum | enby (neutrois) bi, kinky & polyam | hobby streamer | mid artist, very occasional poet | Nailpolish_obsession | Tentaclebunnies Pet |
1. TopNotchDongs sadly doesn't have an online store yet. I adore their toys. Czech based producer makes beautifully marbled toys with a pearlescent sheen at IMO absolutely amazing prices. The one con is the lack of suction cup but I don't really mind. www.etsy.com/de-en/shop/T... #etsy #nsfw
Sexually Suggestive
Labeled by Bluesky Moderation Service
The second store, FactoryD also doesn't have a website yet. Their designs are very imaginative & varied, the colours absolutely incredible. I only own one of their products. Images from them Dog tail buttplug? ❌ Tentacle plug✔️ they're US based www.etsy.com/shop/FactoryD
Sexually Suggestive
Labeled by Bluesky Moderation Service
3. NawtyToybox Wanna see something goofy?Glow in the dark lava lamp with an alien-abduction-cow motif that's actually safe to put into yer bod? This US-based store got you covered. Really interesting designs incl a tentacle ofc (pics by them) They do have a website www.nawtytoybox.com #etsy #nsfw
4. Warning:Fr*nch LoveSmithToys I fell in love with their tentacle. It's made really well, beautiful colours, might be a bit too pokey for some but it's great for butt stuff bc of the slow taper. They have a variety of other toys incl strokers for trans masc folk. www.love-smiths.com #etsy #nsfw
Found it. So it's based on the thing parents do when trying to get a fussy kid to eat by like waving the spoon around and such.
So i thought I had the cute snail pictures but those seem somewhere. So here cats, clouds and a rather polite goose with lil goslings
Hand shifting and hand "pedals"
Oh apropos out of context
yeah. or a link where i can upload this here
Im playing more Elite dangerous so have a few pretty screenshots #EliteDangerous #Stellarscreenshots
Its 3 am, its june, its under 10°C outside and i have to get up for work >_<
I took some pictures outside. The fly was sitting on one of those usually white or beige coloured box thingies who got something to do with either the local phone/internet/cable network or electricity. Can't believe I got it that sharp bc the bees certainly aren't.
Teil des SebstBG §2 Abs 3, der teil hier: "...sind die Vornamen zu bestimmen, die die Person zukünftig führe will und die dem gewählten Ges hlechtseintrag entsprechen" widerspricht dieser 08 Entscheidung www.bundesverfassungsgericht.de/SharedDocs/E... erlaubt willkür durch Standesamt
Peace offering of flowers
This was a sticker I saw somewhere in Germany
Ooh I really like taking pictures of small things. Limited by a really crappy phone camera
Turn a picture from your gallery black and white Nobody said it had to be me
turn a picture from your gallery black and white I'm giving you pre-transition Sarah
Efeuwachstum kann nicht um die Mauer geleitet werden
There's a chocolate thats a pee& cum joke & its unironically good. Spermidine - named after where it's been discovered in. In the chocolate: germinated wheat flakes Natursecco- a pun based on Prosecco/Sekt- sparkling wine & the slang word for pee in kink context, Natursekt Here: wine mousse
a photo of you that could be an album cover (It's really old though.) (Shot by Kai, calvato.net )
a photo of you that could be an album cover
Someone..(me) forgot the name and used a wrong one. This is from www.nichtlustig.de (literally notfunny . de ) And the guy living behind a wall, driving a poor man into a slow mental decline is like a regular joke popping up.
medium.com/@RithDerg/th... About the person .Also found the screenshot online but I've have it somewhere too. Also read conflicting things about whether said person has detransitioned or not.
Die Welt, BILD für Leute, deren Bigotterie und rassismus n bisschen gediegener is und nicht so in your face- hier mal wieder dabei Nazi-gewalt kleinzureden, indem Sachbeschädigung (keine verletzten) auf das gleiche Level gehoben wird, als ein Angriff, der einem Menschen einen KNOCHEN GEBROCHEN hat.