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Alien hermit of liminal spaces | hyperactive on the spectrum | enby (neutrois) bi, kinky & polyam | hobby streamer | mid artist, very occasional poet | Nailpolish_obsession | Tentaclebunnies Pet |
I'm sorry you are in pain. Also the what terrorist??
That's not what trans racial means ffs. Like... It's just not. It has an established meaning. As far as I have learned - and I may be wrong - the term is abt someone from one race/ethnicity country being adopted by people from a very different race/culture.
Reposted byAvatar A_lethe_ion
Your whole life being put on hold cause some fucking therapist cant write a fucking email. Test after test to try and find an excuse to deny me care. Having to hide my eating disorder cause i knew they would withdraw all care all together
Thing is i never had any doubt. I knew i was trans and what i wanted. It was these fucking gatekeepers WANTING me to doubt and i will never forgive them
Reposted byAvatar A_lethe_ion
The dutch clinic was hailed as the bleeding edge of progressive trans care, and it was still dehumanising and cruel. The whole model of care was set up to discourage transition, it fundamentally sees a trans life as a lesser life and no amount of streamlining the oppression will change that
Reposted byAvatar A_lethe_ion
doing a thing in Liverpool if anyone fancies it. wouldn’t mind some reposts for visibility
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Im Jahr 2016 gab es 2.079 geschlechtszuweisende Eingriffen an nicht einwilligungsfähigen, intergeschlechtlichen Kindern zwischen 0-9 Jahren (Teitge, 2019). Hingegen wurden nur 21 trans Jugendliche geschlechtsangleichend operiert, allerdings auf ihren ausdrücklichen Wunsch und 1
Reposted byAvatar A_lethe_ion
it's important for outlets to explain that when we talk about AI "posing a threat to humanity," we're talking about the rushed implementation of half-cooked automation killing your grandma with an auto-rejection of her medicare claims, not sentient industrialized planet-scouring murderbots (for now)
UnitedHealth uses AI model with 90% error rate to deny care, lawsuit allegesarstechnica.com For the largest health insurer in the US, AI's error rate is like a feature, not a bug.
Reposted byAvatar A_lethe_ion
So it would be shaming the failure to be feminine enough but distanced from the slurs that were cited? I hate that I know those words bc they I think come from a place of lateral hurt in the community, the places using terms like hon or brick? I wonder, is that a different angle maybe?
Meaning what I as transmasc enby can observe, that a not small part of sissy kink is building specifically on being a man that's feminised& then shamed for that perceived transgression. Tho i feel for some it shifted into a more affirming tone Not being a cis man would affect that re expectations
It might be trying to reclaim a desire in a way that is or often feels forbidden. Things that cisciety would invariably use to discount ones gender identity & use it as a tool of oppression, maybe also a way to preempt that. Those aren't my kinks at all but I like to understand why others have em.
Also a reason why one of the favourite weapons of terfs back then was forced outings so they could drive their victims into despair by deliberately destroying the social network build up
Just a question- if you don't mind, if you don't wanna answer this please just tell me, I don't wanna come off weird bc I'm trans but not transfem & its a comprehension thing re eroticising shame(interesting thing to me bc I'm not someone who experiences much shame about my sexuality at all)
Meaning being treated as stealth would do it for you? Like more in the sense of someone just shaming you for being a super femme woman but acknowledging transness? Like bimbofication maybe? Or shaming hyper-femininity like society tends to do -with or without acknowledging that you are trans?
I've observed a few kinks that a not small amount of trans masc folk have that don't do anything for me, like there's some fixation on breeding kink with a dash of cnc that's like so not for me, but I still like to understand why those guys are into it. Same with force feminisation & misgendering
Though for those I think it might be a type of cnc & so doing the whole - relieving something highly disempowering & traumatic in a controllable setting so it's manageable & could be controlled - thing, that might also be one of the drivers s for the slur example you used in the first message.
Reposted byAvatar A_lethe_ion
and we're just a fucking STEPPING STONE to fucking push ALL queer people back to the margins. and they want to do this nation fucking wide and the fucking new york times has been in the FOREFRONT of normalizing all of this
Reposted byAvatar A_lethe_ion
they're fucking banning the hormone therapy i rely on in red states. they're fucking outing trans kids to their parents. they're fucking banning SOCIAL TRANSITION in schools. they're denying trans people the ability to change their documents. they're denying us coverage.
TIL Actually something I didn't know but I only degender when I either talk about a mixed group or someone whose gender identity I do not know, so doesn't really apply here. Still helpful to know tbh
Yeah. I'm trying really hard to give my GF at least the opportunity to get out of the USA, and she's living in like one of the safest (compared to the rest)state for trans people. Cali. BC I want the option to exist when/if shit happens.
I want to try to read what people write with the assumption of good faith unless I have a good reason to assume they're not. Like the person saying its bad faith.
Making a bathroom piss coloured (if that's the colour of your piss, drink more*)is definitely a choice but still a better choice than the type of original 1970s brown-orange-flower pattern I've seen in one bathroom this year. (* I'm meaning myself. i don't drink enough ugh)
That image is painful to look at.
... okay that's a good sign for me to not watch that movie. Though I managed to connect with mine before her death, it was never like super healthy. She was an impressive person & I am thankful for a lot of things but she wasn't a great mom for a few reasons I now understand & made my peace with
Reposted byAvatar A_lethe_ion
It's London trans pride on 27 July. If you're horrified by Streeting's avowed intent to make the puberty blocker ban permanent, please step up and show it. There are a lot more of us cis folk than trans folk; we all need to use our voices and platforms. #PubertyBlockers
Please don't, the Oceans have suffered enough already. Don't make the orcas even more mad!
People using tools designed to describe systems to target singular people. But tbh I often feel like public discourse doesn't help as much bc like even a deluge of mild criticism can be overwhelming & people shut down. They shouldn't when the criticism is valid, but I think it's a human thing
Eugenik war Teil des Referenzrahmens des Mainstreams. Wobei es da Ausreißer gab - Familien, die Kirchen (die bei der Verfolgung anderer Gruppen leise waren) sprachen da bei T4 soweit, dass die Vernichtung Erwachsener dezentral & inoffiziell weiterlief. Kindermorde passierten weiterhin offiziell.