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Alien hermit of liminal spaces | hyperactive on the spectrum | enby (neutrois) bi, kinky & polyam | hobby streamer | mid artist, very occasional poet | Nailpolish_obsession | Tentaclebunnies Pet |
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I have to share this for about a week or until my goals are met and I can afford all my medical care. I'm sorry for the inconvenience, but being disabled is expensive and my writing is what pays for it. So unless someone wants to option Adios or something, this is what I have to do
i am going to solve the cyberpunk discourse forever, part 2: the punks. 19,185 words on the history of punk, cyberpunk, and how it's all fake and what it means to be an artist. if you like it, please share! I could use tips to pay for my diabetic care docseuss.medium.com/i-am-going-t...
i am going to solve the cyberpunk discourse forever, part 2: the punks.docseuss.medium.com “Cyberpunk 2077,” they said, “isn’t really Punk. It’s a Corporate Product, made out of Corporate Greed. It completely Misses The Point of…
Reposted byAvatar A_lethe_ion
i am going to solve the cyberpunk discourse forever, part 2: the punks. 19,185 words on the history of punk, cyberpunk, and how it's all fake and what it means to be an artist. if you like it, please share! I could use tips to pay for my diabetic care docseuss.medium.com/i-am-going-t...
i am going to solve the cyberpunk discourse forever, part 2: the punks.docseuss.medium.com “Cyberpunk 2077,” they said, “isn’t really Punk. It’s a Corporate Product, made out of Corporate Greed. It completely Misses The Point of…
Reposted byAvatar A_lethe_ion
This man is making his evil intentions as crystal-clear as they possibly could be, and everyone who cares about humanity should be blasting that message out in every possible venue.
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court presidential immunity ruling: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be" www.mediamatters.org/project-2025...
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court immunity decision: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution"www.mediamatters.org
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Ihr sagt, man soll den Leuten keine Angst machen. Ich sage, sie haben noch längst nicht genug Angst. Sie behandeln die Klimakrise wie eine lästige Detailfrage, die schon irgendwie wieder weggeht.
Wähler*innen von CDU, FDP und AfD sind ihre Mitmenschen und nachfolgende Generationen völlig egal. Muss man leider so deutlich sagen.
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The GRA is irrelevant here, having a GRC does not change what spaces a trans person can use. The literal text of the EA2010 says that a person with the gender reassignment characteristic is changing or has changed their sex. That is the legal definition of gender reassignment.
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Its the fact he said “shouldn’t” for me. Keir Starmer said I shouldn’t have the right to womens spaces And we’re about to watch a nation celebrate this man and grant him massive power
Keir Starmer, the future prime minister, explicitly saying that trans women don’t have the right to use women’s toilets, which we have always been using, is giving the green light for people to harass us and do violence to us, as well as to cis women deemed not feminine enough. Don’t vote Labour.
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Particularly relevant to the question of whether it would actually be legal and feasible to get a candidate you pulled out of a hat in the third week of August onto all 50 state ballots
Regarding that NYT piece by Kristof, I'd like to remind that he tried to run for Governor here in Oregon but couldn't qualify to be on the ballot, before anyone thinks they should listen to his political strategizing
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The damage this causes across generations (even if the regime is short lived!) is so hard to grasp if you haven’t lived with it. It touches every aspect of life. It makes trust impossible, and without some level of trust and a belief in the possibility of justice, *nothing in society works.*
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Homeless people can be arrested for sleeping, Presidents cannot be arrested for rampant graft and corruption done while in office. There is no clearer a summary of "conservative 'law and order'" than this.
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Menschen, die sich ab Juli eine Gehaltserhöhung in Höhe von 700€ gönnen, reden darüber, wie man Menschen, die von 600€ im Monat leben müssen, noch etwas wegnehmen kann, weil das ja nicht für alle reicht. Das ist nicht nur dreist, das ist nicht nur heuchlerisch, das ist widerwärtig.
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The correct response to Chevron being overturned is for every single environmental group to start filing millions of lawsuits, right now, today, arguing that various regulatory decisions didn't go far enough. Absolutely flood the zone.
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perhaps my most cancelable take is that intergenerational movements are good, older people and younger people have a lot to learn from each other, and the idea that people of different ages should never interact for any reason because it’s somehow always nefarious to do so is weird and bad, actually
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This is why I made the Blue State Challenge. People in red states are facing a lot from organized campaigns of outsiders with wealth and agendas. If you live in a Blue State, pick the red state you hate the most and the issue you care about the most and support the locals fighting for better.
btw this is where all those attacks on schools and libraries are coming from. It's all laid out in their godawful "Project 2025" plan
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Trump ist ein Faschist, der buchstäblich in jeder seiner Antworten gelogen hat, Nonsens von sich gibt & und dessen Amtszeit dazu führen könnte, dass die Demokratie in den USA zugrunde geht, aber Biden ist bisschen tattrig, also wer weiß, wen von beiden man wählen sollte?!?!
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In a highly DRAMATIC move, Chuchi BOLTED out as his people left to catch a plane to move across the country. Chuchi is safe but about to be homeless. Can anyone care for Chuchi for just 3 short weeks til his people fly back to rescue him? [San Francisco Bay Area/E. Bay] @darthbluesky.bsky.social
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It is very exhausting to see people doing "ha ha look how dumb Chat GPT is it can't get basic questions right" right as we are getting constant stories about how much energy even basic queries for AI uses up. Just don't use it! The bit isn't that funny!
Reposted byAvatar A_lethe_ion
the actual disconcerting effect of social media on language is that kids feel like they can't say the words "sex," "suicide," "kill," "porn," etc. anymore because those words get them censored
oh my god shut the fuck up www.theatlantic.com/family/archi...
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#UKRBEL Das heutige Spiel zwischen der #Ukraine und #Belgien nehmen wir zum Anlass, um auf die rassistische Ungleichbehandlung von Zwangsarbeitenden zu sprechen zu kommen. Während des Zweiten Weltkriegs wurden sowohl Belgier als auch Ukrainer zur #Zwangsarbeit
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I once bought a Catwoman costume when shockingly drunk, but this is amateur hour by comparison to Sir Elton:
Reposted byAvatar A_lethe_ion
Hey friends! Learning time! ☺️ If you have a name that is in a special font, it REALLY fucks with assistive tech!! I know this is from the bad place but pls LISTEN TO THIS. This is what people who use assistive tech hear. x.com/kentcdodds/s...
For the same reason we use alt text, can I please make a small ask for folks to remove special "fonts" from their usernames? I hesitate to share some folks' requests because their usernames are going to cause serious frustration for folks who rely on assistive tech 😥
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Meds that may make you more sensitive to heat include: ~ Anticholinergics ~ Antihistamines ~ Diuretics ~ ADHD stimulant meds ~ SSRIs It's really important to keep this in mind as we head into a major heatwave. Stay safe out there! www.cdc.gov/heat-health/...
Heat and Medications - Guidance for Clinicians MinusSASstatswww.cdc.gov A summary for healthcare professionals on how heat interacts with medications
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no brat girl summer until you learn how to use narcan, fentanyl test strips, carry both on you, AND know the chocolate chip theory 🫶🏻 harm reduction summer, my loves
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friends! this is !!IMPORTANT!! fucking information!! save a life, carry narcan and fentanyl test strips and know how to use them! I've saved a life with my kit. there were 3 nurses and a dude who just learned CPR in the room who helped. i was the only one with narcan i was at work
There are often free places to get them!! The chocolate chip theory helps me visualize things. If the drug is the cookie part, fentanyl is the chocolate chips - it’s not everywhere, not evenly distributed. Can have one section with it but one without. No control of the dosage, etc. (1/)
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Incredibly embarrassing to learn that most of the garbage people are my age, which means they're from the old internet, too. You'd think that Lowtax dying broke, friendless, and disgraced would have illustrated where the "lol Imma hurt you" life leads, but some folks just have to see for themselves.
Eins kann nie nachempfinden, wie sich andere fühlen, aber ich wünschte, dass du das nicht hättest erleben müssen. Es ist ein einsamer, schmerzhafter ort
Ich habe heute eine medizinisch fundierte, furchtbare Entscheidung zu treffen und ich harre an seiner Seite aus, bis die Oberärzte da sind. Denkt an mich, zeigt mir, dass Ihr das wahrnehmt, aber seht bittebitte von DMs ab. Es ist unfassbar schwer und ich zerbreche fast daran. Euer Tio 💔
Getting woken up by one of the cats having a vomit Uuuuhhhh
Reposted byAvatar A_lethe_ion
Cats aren't my main focus, but I do occasionally make silly drawings of our resident void creatures. 🐈‍⬛💕
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hey hivemind, can anybody recommend a good read on infertility grief? Preferably one that's queer-inclusive and not Christian. asking for a me.
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First off, massive CW on this link, it makes for incredibly depressing reading but Jo Maugham has done a fantastic thread For all the talk of the Cass Review leading to an inquiry, this is the real story, heads should roll after this, these people should be hounded out of the public sphere forever
Thread by @JolyonMaugham on Thread Reader Appthreadreaderapp.com @JolyonMaugham: I have now seen further evidence that, since the Bell decision in the High Court (1 December 2020), there has been a huge increase in deaths of young trans people on the NHS waiting li...
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quick addendum If anyone DOES need a touch or switch based communication app, or knows of a need, don’t pay for it HMU Also to android experts, I have some fun .apks