
I don't think "Trump will ban porn if he gets elected" is a winning message with the entire electorate but it probably is a winning message if you want to damper the enthusiasm of the already-only- marginally-committed-to-voting Barstool/Manosphere frat dudes for Trump.
Suspect a big impetus to this push is an attempt to roll back the clock to the pre-internet days when the profits of porn distribution accumulated to the overlapping groups of local business tyrants, pimps and mobsters who owned the porn shops and strip clubs and prostitutes
Depends on how and who gets to define porn.
The apartheid regime infamously enforced heavy moral puritanism on porn, gambling, alcohol sales and even cinema in South Africa "proper" but ensured they would remain legal in the bantustans so they could play to the rubes while all the white businessmen and patrons would still have a loophole.