
The prospect of both France and the UK potentially recognising Palestine soon is huge, given both are on the Security Council. That really would make it just the US holding out.
Mathilde Panot, President of the La France Insoumise in Parliament which is part of the New Popular Front that just shocked the world, says that France will recognize a Palestinian state in the next two weeks.
Yeah I sort of think that France and the UK would really only do it unilaterally if they did it together like Spain, Norway, and Ireland + Slovenia did.
Though people keep telling me France could do it on its own because they have some self-important independent streak to their style and I guess they did vote for UN ascension whereas the UK abstained.
Can guarantee Starmer won’t recognize
Seems to me Starmer made real clear that this is not something he would be willing to do.
Isolate the US on the international stage. It's the only way
True, but I think the UK will bottle it
I suspect so too, but getting it on the table is one step closer, even if it's going to be pushed off the table.
Starmer’s Labour is absolutely not recognising Palestine
As long as i can remember Labour has voted in conference to recognize Palestine as a state every single year, and every single time the right-wing of the party has ignored that vote The only way Starmer will recognize Palestine as a state is if his bosses in the US State Department give him the nod
Just the US holding out? Russia and China are on the Security Council, right?
They already recognise Palestine.