
yall this entire part of the skyline is fucking so hard with my fundamental understanding of reality right now how in the hell this is a thing?
I was THERE for the metafilter sit versus stand butt wiping discourse I have seen things I thought I was done with feeling this way after the online “up and over versus through the underwear hole” peeing with a penis wars
I've heard of it but I did not grow up with any sort of vomit anything, we used the toilet.
Toilet for me but I remember having a barf bucket when being so sick one time and guess what it was a plastic bucket That was throwed the fuck away after I was done being sick And we were poor as hell food stamps right Like you reuse stuff You don't reuse everything Jesus Christ lol
I mean I have barfed in things not a toilet but it was never a designated thing lol
Yeah do you know what we reused The popcorn bowl It was one plastic bowl that was only ever used for home popped popcorn Like I get the weird leap in logic but also no I don't get it at all lmao
I've never heard of this. We always just brought over one of the smaller trash cans