
The question you ask gay couples now is “so… in your household… which one is the elderly Egyptian Uber driver?”
my elderly Egyptian Uber driver happily informed me that he “supports the gays now” because he lives with a lesbian couple and “the husband lesbian is a better husband than I was”, happy pride everyone
Now of course, some lesbian couples will say something like, “in our relationship there IS no elderly Egyptian Uber driver”, but I think we all know that all good relationships need someone to inhabit traditional roles like Old Ethnic Man Growing And Unlearning Outdated Bigotries.
It may be one of those cases where if you can't spot the elderly Egyptian Uber driver in the household, then the elderly Egyptian Uber driver is probably you.
"...if you know what I mean! 😉" *suggestively mimes driving an Uber*
Build him a little pyramid in the basement so he feels at home.
He’s away with the pharaohs