
The nation of Colombia saw its moment to do the funniest thing possible
Nation of Colombia has more balls than the college..that tracks
I mean, a nation would have more balls than a mere college.
A college has a much easier time fixing their ways with less red tape than an entire nation.
A college doesn’t have to worry about diplomacy much, just getting people in. Country has to worry about a lot more. It’s easy for a college to say no they won’t support killing civilians, hell should be easy for anyone.
Sure but the college has to deal with their host country's politics, being shut down or fined or whatever. I think it really is a complicated comparison. But yes, ideally this should be an obvious and easy thing to say. Even more ideally, there shouldn't be a genocide in the first place.
The college should be supporting the students and not getting the cops to shut down protests. They are complicated in comparison but it’s more just funny that Colombia cut it off before a college did. Would be nice if they would stop trying to genocide, we shouldn’t be supporting it at all. Noone