
Friendly reminder! Any time you get a sketchy message like this, or like the tax collectors are upset at you or that Amazon has stopped a really expensive order or whatever, don't click the link. Go to your own actual account and check. Separately.
This is the second time I'm getting this sketchy kind of text (diff number, same wording & link structure)
And if you don't have an elector's account, call the office of your local representative and ask or check the website for your local election info. Like in Canada, we have and similar provincial offices eg What about where you live? Don't trust anonymous messages!
Élections Canada en ligne - Elections Canada Élections Canada est l'organisme indépendant et non partisan chargé de la conduite des élections et des référendums fédéraux.
Look this info up now before the day before your next election, anyway. It's useful to know where to go and what you need to do to register to vote. Before it's too late.
Another reminder: Don't just say "stop" or whatever to end the texts. Use the REPORT JUNK button to report and delete bc often these are also looking for live numbers & if you interact with them they know it's good.
I *just* got through this with a relative. The thing I hope got through was "do not call the number in the email, go back in through the front door". And "check your account first".
Yes! Good advice. I have to remind my elderly friends not to click on anything.