Alix Hui

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Alix Hui

Historian of science, environment, sound, and silence. Raising small kids through covid. Pie hobbyist. The Johnny Appleseed of googly-eyes.
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Hi beautiful people--over here at the Historian's Handbook to Saving the World, we're putting together some directories of historians doing good work on climate. Today I'm looking for any projects focusing on historical responses to climatic change in the *Global South.* Any suggestions?
I’m going to share this photo of the fresh (local!) peach pie I made and then I’m going to eat it.
Baby girl is going to start a forest fire with that glare (somewhere out on the Kenai peninsula, AK)
My auto-reply email: Howdy! From 6/29-7/9 I'm traveling without my computer & cell service. If I can't respond on my phone via spotty coverage, you'll just have to wait. Also, I'm not longer co-editing HSS publications. Take your problems to Projit and Elise. --warmly like the planet, Alix
The last of my pre-COVID projects is finally out! My contribution is about starlings and U.S. immigration policy and the sounds of acclimatization. I'm super pleased to be part of a collection of work by so many scholars I adore. #histstm #histsci #histmed #histtech
A 400-mile drive through record heat with two bouncy dogs and a toddler that is newly-terrified of public restrooms is misery for everyone. But all is forgiven with the sighting of one of those bright pink dancing balloon man wind-sock thingies. I'm pinning their locations on my mapping app.
Tonight on the way home I saw A BEAR! And it was so big and glossy and healthy-looking. Good job, bear!
Stroll home from writing day with Wrote many words but also walked into many spider webs.
Behold THE LAST ISSUE of Isis under & my's editorship. It's been a tremendous ride. We're forever grateful to our editors, editorial assistants, UCP, reviewers, & authors. The best part, of course, has been the friends & enemies we made along the way. #histsci #histtech #histSTM
Isis | Vol 115, No
What's the etiquette on giving an invited talk at an institution where there were just snipers on the roofs of academic buildings and law enforcement used violence to arrest several student and faculty protesters? No calls for walk-outs and the symposium is organized by students, if that matters.
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Love this story! Beautiful description of the joy of small-finds-that-are-actually-huge that happen in history research. And such a great case of lived-experience (bus music) to science-standpoint (environmentalism) connection #histsci 👏
WHO WANTS SOME VICARIOUS SMOKING NEEDLE IN THE HAYSTACK ARCHIVE FIND THRILL!? In fits and starts for I have been searching for a supposed survey designed and done by psychologists for a marketing firm to evaluate rider attitudes about background music on DC buses and streetcars in the late 1940s.
I guess this bird is behaving strangely but it may be because of the severe thunderstorm rolling in.
Real mountains! Pointy like these! #ASEH2024
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Hunting for Easter Eggs with Werner Herzog
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At last, the new issue of has arrived to join its companion issues of and Isis! All of your history of science + labor history questions can finally be answered. Congratulations to co-editors Lissa Roberts and
To provide some visual interest and habitat, I've been nurturing a brush fence in our yard. As a result I've become low-key obsessed with collecting sticks. Today, after telling me about school, my son asked, "Did you find any good sticks today?" Like I'm a medieval peasant or a golden retriever.
"You/labor history complete me." The final piece of our 3-JOURNAL labor history & history of science puzzle is out! and and lots of smart, creative people worked for years to pull this off. So proud of what we built. #histsci #histtech #histSTM
Duke University Press - Labor History and the History of Science
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We never ask this about bombs.
California sunshine arrived yesterday!
Folks! The 2025 ICHST meeting in Dunedin, NZ will be so great! One of the "social activities" is greeting penguins as they come ashore. And there's a new national holiday of Watariki (already a Māori holiday)to celebrate! And U of Otago is the most beautiful university in the whole wide world!
It's been a week of small to medium aggravations today but look at our beautiful new issue of Isis! Anticipating the coming cicada superbloom here in Mississippi, I'm especially charmed by the cover. #histsci #histSTM #philsci
Small thrills: As I work on footnotes today, every time I type out a reference to material held in the University of Chicago's Regenstein Library and Special Collections, I bellow "RE-GEN-STEIN" in a deep, growly death metal tone. In my head. Mostly.
Academics: I'm co-ushering a sprawling, gregariously collaborative project into existence and while we expected some attrition on promised contributions, I've noticed that it's only early career folks that are withdrawing because they think they've blown through deadlines. 1/2
Stole this spectacular couch (it's 12 ft long and curved!) from my husband's 103-yr old grandpa's basement over break and delighted to find extra fabric under the cushions. Will now spend all my spare time making outfits for the children to camouflage into the cushions. This is how I cope.
If Whistler’s mother was a Mississippi yellow dog.
Getting a jump on 2024 by setting shit on fire ourselves.
Waaaay emotionally invested in the return of the light this year.