Lumpy 🔞

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Lumpy 🔞

I am to America what Arnold Schwarzenegger is to California
DMs for people I follow
Minors DNI or I'll tell your youth pastor
I actually like the discourse (no I don’t) because it means that everyone I really ought to block is making themselves known ^^
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Fuck it, I'm deleting this until I get £200 go through my KoFi People need to remember there's actually a person here not just tits, I need to live somehow but y'all just want the tits, not the person. Well this person is struggling, and starving, and just about had it with this place. have fun!!
Putting marginalized people into neat little ideological frameworks and assuming their interests are attached to ideology is both extremely racist, pretty much every kind of phobic and is also something a liberal would think
I believe why trans women got labeled as “crazy leftists” is because cis people looked at our accounts, saw that it matched their ideal of crazy leftists (pronouns, Palestine flags, trans women) and immediately jumped to that conclusion
I believe why trans women got labeled as “crazy leftists” is because cis people looked at our accounts, saw that it matched their ideal of crazy leftists (pronouns, Palestine flags, trans women) and immediately jumped to that conclusion
Reposted byAvatar Lumpy 🔞
when the ffs surgeon asks what i want, im just gunna show him some picrews
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bro did you really bully glorpo off the platform?? big mistake bro, bluesky NEEDS glorpo
i am trying to catch up on recent discourse but it really feels like a lot of people talking about how important it is to keep glup shitto on the platform
so my testosterone is 13L per ng/dL and my estrodiol is 341.0 per pg/mL. thats good, right?
JD Vance? More like JizzeD his Pants
male socialization is not hanging out with boys ever. It’s being asked in 6th grade if I wanted to lift weights with the football team just cause and I didn’t want to at all. It’s exclusively hanging out with girls in high school and being described as “safe” and “not like the other guys”
male socialization is the "other" boys wanting nothing to do with you at best while being afraid of the girls
I know all the GOP women options were bad but really?
I just got my first 30+ notifications from a glitch and that scared the shit out of me
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Fag Break (verse 1) you still cross my mind, from time to time . your breath sticks to me like honey . you leave me feeling sweet and simple, buff the edges out . i've been rigid all my life, under my skin . i'm sorry to let you know, i'll probably let you down again .
I think if a dyke wore that jacket and treated me like their babygirl I would probably ovulate
A Cold War camo US Army jacket: lightly used Only accepting SERIOUS offers from DYKES ONLY
A Cold War camo US Army jacket: lightly used Only accepting SERIOUS offers from DYKES ONLY
I think a big reason why “big accounts” don’t come to/stay long here is because of the algorithm, everyone starts at square one and big accounts are not patient. But I also think that having a lot of followers comes with prestige, and the idea of getting less likes makes Bluesky seem like a dud
Oh!,,, Oh……. I don’t know which one I’d rather be……….
System Daemons: Tryst of the Eclipse is a comic I'm currently working on and updates on a regular basis. Feel free to check out, links in bio! Page 5! #sdcomic
One day I’ll remember to put my earrings in. I would flunk out of dorley fr 😭
Hi I am women
women should talk about guns in my mentions more
Wow I forgot how much oatmeal fuckin sucks
I have a crippling addiction to making little Lumpys
Wouldn’t it be cool if I made friends with a rich and powerful lady overseas who invited me to her place, but it turns out it wasn’t to hang out but instead she’s a vampire and I get to be her mindless thrall bloodbath for a week while Im on vacation? I definitely haven’t thought about this a lot
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Like, did no one casing the fairgrounds yesterday go "oh hey, theres an industrial complex nearby with geometry overlooking the entire rally. What if we put some guys in the parking lot or some snipers on bldg 6, just in case". That guy was probably fired after hiring a stripper or something
So my interest in the assassination attempt has gotten the better of me. I think the Secret Service is going to be in some serious shit for letting this one happen. Props to the sniper but still, never should have happened. Honestly shocking that a 5.56 at 400 yards even clipped trumps ear
So my interest in the assassination attempt has gotten the better of me. I think the Secret Service is going to be in some serious shit for letting this one happen. Props to the sniper but still, never should have happened. Honestly shocking that a 5.56 at 400 yards even clipped trumps ear
Anyone on here familiar with Spanish and US nationality law? Should me and a partner get a K1 or is there a better method?
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Someone just posted "do NOT get your ears pierced at Claire's" on Raven's FB and I lost it
Saw a white van that said “billiard services” yesterday and there’s no way that’s not a surveillance van
aye, time to log off
I don’t care who gets shot at, I am not re-downloading the AP app