V, the Dyke Creature

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V, the Dyke Creature


18+ || MDNI || any/all

hottest straight boy on bluesky and #1 simp for @loki.moe

i like to climb and talk about magic the gathering. home of the magic gender of the day

buy me a lil treat: https://ko-fi.com/creaturedotgay
i can think of one other time this has happened and that became a mainstay Thing I'm Into, so...
dyke that fucking drools on herself i guess
dyke that fucking drools on herself i guess
okay yeah,, hypnosis good
Upkeep is the girl that loves to give you little thoughtful trinkets. Draw is the boy that will take care of you. No matter what happens, he's there. Untap is the girl that will push you through the finish line and let you sleep on her lap afterwards
creature so chronically late it is somehow running behind schedule to make an online meeting on time
Untap, upkeep, draw, Marry upkeep, fuck upkeep, kill upkeep
you're all sleeping on upkeep i'll tell you that much
marry, fuck, kill: untap, upkeep, draw
climb climb climb to the top of the world
i need her. she is so precious.
marry, fuck, kill: untap, upkeep, draw
victory: the worst person you know is also a dogshit poster
Love it when someone gets ousted for being an abuser, comes back hoping to continue their online clout, and then never get more than 15 likes on any post rofl
i think it's a real good sign you've Put In The Work when you go out of your way to block both the people you've hurt and the people calling you out for it even when they've already got you blocked or aren't active on the platform
I don't want to be famous but I do want to be in one of Hideo Kojima's "with [extremely hot person]" tweets
i spent a lot of the day lifting heavy things and come home tired and sweaty and also freshly caffeinated and ready to tear into a twink with my teeth
honestly i think having a job has made me approximately 28% hotter
honestly i think having a job has made me approximately 28% hotter
you can be whatever you want to be so long as you can be forced to work
Abandon Hope, All Ye Who Interpellate Here
a pronoun labeler will not help you gender me correctly you have no hope of finding the correct pronouns for me give up and accept failure
pronoun labeler ? nah if u can't figure out my pronouns then you don't deserve to address me
at first i look cute today
Really fucking with me how much we’re not allowed to express anger as trans women and get tone policed even by our “allies“
Also just dont expect your public figures to be sweet and lovely to you when you’re arguing their human rights thats so fucking weird
Really fucking with me how much we’re not allowed to express anger as trans women and get tone policed even by our “allies“
Titty Tuesday? Whilst poorly flexing at the buff crab print at my airbnb? Say it ain't so!
Evil tranny summer means telling cis people to go fuck themselves if they think we should find compromise for our human rights with transphobes
idc what gender you are, attraction to keir starmer is never fruity. i will die on this hill.
Please help, I'm trapped on this island, no no don't rescue me, just blow it up
this is the code i live by
my body is my life's work and i will see it ruined and destroyed by beautiful transgender women
my body is my life's work and i will see it ruined and destroyed by beautiful transgender women
Please help, I'm trapped on this island, no no don't rescue me, just blow it up