
The pastor of the 9th largest church — and a Trump advisor — has apparently been outed for molesting a 12-year-old. This is why evangelicals support Trump. They don't see sexual abuse as disqualifying for men. It can even bolster their reputation.
Another evangelical abuse scandal: They back Trump because they tolerate Robert Morris, one of Trump's religious advisers, admits to "inappropriate" behavior — his reported victim was 12
Why to read past headlines: Yes, another day, another evangelical leader gets outed as a sexual predator. But I dig into why this isn't "hypocrisy" as it's commonly understood. Evangelical culture functionally encourages such behavior.
Another evangelical abuse scandal: They back Trump because they tolerate Robert Morris, one of Trump's religious advisers, admits to "inappropriate" behavior — his reported victim was 12
"The problem with expecting women — or in so many cases, underage girls — to bear the responsibility for maintaining 'purity' is that it directly conflicts with another mandate placed on women in evangelical circles: total submission."
Another evangelical abuse scandal: They back Trump because they tolerate Robert Morris, one of Trump's religious advisers, admits to "inappropriate" behavior — his reported victim was 12
"It's a lose-lose situation: Women are supposed to make themselves attractive and compliant, but if a man abuses or assaults her, that's her fault for not uttering the otherwise forbidden word 'no.'"
Another evangelical abuse scandal: They back Trump because they tolerate Robert Morris, one of Trump's religious advisers, admits to "inappropriate" behavior — his reported victim was 12
Striking that you quote the victim saying her "father never ever gave his blessing on Robert returning to the ministry." A reminder of the mindset that girls are their father's property until they marry, and become their husband's. It is her father's place to condone or not Robert's comeback.
It goes along with the MAGA slogan. Submissive women, 1950’s, masculine men, etc. the 50’s weren’t great for women.
It’s the evangelical take on trickle-down economics except in this case it’s trickle-down behavior from pulpit to pulpit.
Pastors 10,000 / 'drag queens' STILL zero.
"Like" with an asterisk for a story that needs to be told but is just so gross and awful.
Trump: "I could molest a teenage girl on 5th Avenue and not lose any votes!"
Gislaine found the girl to prince Andrew, in the rest room (mar a lago).
Well, mar a lago a praying Club, no ones knows about. Not a preying Club.
Trump provides permission to be wildly hypocritical—to be the very thing you say you despise, and to lie about it no matter how overwhelming the evidence.
Note the money and networks too. Everyone deserves justice.