
"The time is past" is wrong for one reason: Biden told us he was capable of this. People voted for him because they believed this. They now feel he lied to them. That he betrayed them. And so something has to be done.
It’s such a perfect example of painting oneself into a corner. You’re exactly right, but the time for course correction has seemingly passed. I see no way he can maintain sufficient faculties for another 4 yrs, it’s now a faith that he can install “youth” to carry on the fight, if you will.
If you ask people to vote, you have to be able to show you're willing to do that bare fucking minimum. Total collapse in an election we're told is the most important in our lifetime just signals to people that you don't believe it.
Okay, I have a lot to do, so I won't argue with all the people replying with obvious cope. It is what it is. Maybe people hate Trump enough to overcome this disaster. But boy I wouldn't bet on it.
As for the "too late" argument, you can tell it's bad faith because the rejoinder is so obvious: If Biden died today, would they replace him? Yes, of course. So it's not actually too late.
That's not the question... The question is whether there would be time for the replacement to be viable. That said, I am very concerned about the enthusiasm deficit. It is what did in HRC, really
It’s kind of wild to me in retrospect that there doesn’t seem to have been any contingency plan for “what if Biden can’t run again or has to resign due to health problems” Basic stuff like “give Harris a lot more time in the spotlight” could have gone a long way
I feel like Dems are partially up a creek now becuase there’s no obvious choice to replace him with- Harris has been pretty low-profile and there’s not some other popular young up-and-coming star they can tap. Newsom is the closest and I don’t know how well-known he is outside CA.
I agree that the Biden team *has* to respond.