
Biden appears to have mostly given up on campaigning against Trump, and his campaign is focused mostly around denying the obvious about his age. That only is more evidence he's not up to what he needs to do.
The DC Cocktail Party Press are purposely controlling the narrative because they think it's their right to do so. In their eyes, they make the decisions about who runs or doesn't and us peon voters have to go along with it. Both men are old. One of them is a lunatic criminal. But his stutter...
I wish defenders weren't disingenuous. It's *not* just a stutter at this point. (Although yes, some of the overdetailed reporting is more related to that.) And would have been nice to have a real choice on whether Biden was our nominee this time.
Yeah, the denials only give credence to the "both sides are lying gaslighters" narrative that makes Trump look not so bad. I wish people would stop being just gross photocopies of MAGA on this.
Falling for the same old tactic of Repugs attacking their candidate’s own weaknesses in the Dem candidate. We know media will play along but how are campaigners so stupid?