
I genuinely don’t understand Levitz’s reasoning. I don’t see why Biden can’t win if people focus on the monster that he’s running against.
Biden gave up a lot of his moral advantage over Trump by lying over and over and over again to our faces.
This is just an insane thing for a person to say who understands, as you do, what trump is.
Maybe that's the underlying fact that's too hard for many people to face. That it's not just the shock of this person we liked being "gone" but also that we were told it wasn't true, we all staked our reputations on that assumption.
No we didn’t. We staked our reputation on *Biden being a good president*, something that remains true.
How dare you try to retcon our own lived experiences? I didn't stake my reputation on "It's fine if he's impaired as long as he's good." I am a national security Democrat and would never have been okay with any lapses in our nuclear deterrence capability.
I believed the claim that he generally has a good memory and is fit, he just couldn't remember the details on the storage of some paperwork from years and years before. A lapse anyone might have. I thought the GOP was playing it up to smear him because they couldn't find any crimes.
And turns out it wasn't Republicans' smearing, it was you all along?
Not sure what you're trying to say there.
I think this is it. The cognitive dissonance between Joe Wouldn't Lie and This Is Fabulously Untrue.
Do you understand how ethics and morality work, tho.