
The rich people organizing against Bluestockings bookstore: what is your fucking deal Like, homeless people exist and you will encounter them whether or not there’s a radical bookstore on your block. How are you living in the LES expecting to never encounter a homeless
Oh, they have this delusion that if they get rid of everything that "attracts undesirables", then homeless people will magically disappear and they can be free to raise rent. Dealing with the same shit down here, had a chance to move out into a low income housing place denied by those jokers.
Their deal is that they would much rather weave around them as they are dying and then irritatedly all the help to call whoever it is who retrieves the bodies, but after waiting an hour to mention it
I had my real estate license in the early 00s & a mother signing as a guarantor for her son actually asked me “are there black people there” for an apartment in Bushwick
Why live in a city, when they are the ones with options, and can't handle other people? It's like colonialism. Rather than learning to blend in, they put everything in a blender to attract their bland tastes.
Homeless people must NEVER be made comfortable. They should be made as miserable as possible to motivate them.