
every day I open this website and learn new, unaccountably bad things about this car. somehow, every morning, new vistas of failure are revealed. there is no sign of these revelations ever abating, and sometimes it feels like I've been learning bad things about this car forever
The best part about this is the CT has no tow points. I guess they assumed the people buying these would never want to help others or receive help, so when you tow these you need to attach to the wheels, pulling 7k lbs destroys either the bearings or the steering, depending on if its front or back
"you can't wash the Cyber truck or get it wet" "the ceiling is held on by clips and the clips often fall off" "they glued the gas pedal on and when it falls off it traps you in accelerate" at what point is this thing like..... no longer a car
They once tried to act like not knowing how to make a car was am excuse as of they couldn't have just hired people who knew how to make cars
it's easier to pretend you invented the wheel yourself if you go out of your way to avoid ever talking to a wheelwright
It's interesting watching them go through learning what every car maker has known for decades. At least, it would be interesting from a safe distance, but apparently there's no such thing. These guys are like 8-year-olds with the nuclear codes.
hyperactive aggro boyz drawing "pew-pew-pew!" spaceship & robot battles on lined paper, ludicrously endowed with the power to make their every fancy real