
every day I open this website and learn new, unaccountably bad things about this car. somehow, every morning, new vistas of failure are revealed. there is no sign of these revelations ever abating, and sometimes it feels like I've been learning bad things about this car forever
The best part about this is the CT has no tow points. I guess they assumed the people buying these would never want to help others or receive help, so when you tow these you need to attach to the wheels, pulling 7k lbs destroys either the bearings or the steering, depending on if its front or back
"you can't wash the Cyber truck or get it wet" "the ceiling is held on by clips and the clips often fall off" "they glued the gas pedal on and when it falls off it traps you in accelerate" at what point is this thing like..... no longer a car
They once tried to act like not knowing how to make a car was am excuse as of they couldn't have just hired people who knew how to make cars
it's easier to pretend you invented the wheel yourself if you go out of your way to avoid ever talking to a wheelwright
It's interesting watching them go through learning what every car maker has known for decades. At least, it would be interesting from a safe distance, but apparently there's no such thing. These guys are like 8-year-olds with the nuclear codes.
hyperactive aggro boyz drawing "pew-pew-pew!" spaceship & robot battles on lined paper, ludicrously endowed with the power to make their every fancy real
People who know how to make cars belong to unions?
Huge flat windshield and glass roof prone to cracking, couple grand to fix. Giant windshield wiper with faulty motor. Tire covers that shred the tires. Guessing the cup holders are triangular or sideways or god knows what
I know it’s been said to death but it really is this
Ah but where would you fit the $3,000 cyber tent
Lmao! And it's anyone's guess whether the tent doesn't work, or the guy who bought it can't follow instructions
People who plunk down 100K for this car are not the brightest folks otherwise
“You can stand there finding fault, or you can knit me some seat belts.”
As this point the Cybertruck sounds like a lawn chair strapped to a go cart powered by a stick of C4 stuffed full of razor blades.
Nah, c4 is reliable.
I guess dynamite is more ACME.
Old school dynamite, the kind that sweats nitro under some circumstances.
The unexploded ordinance of automobiles
Just remembered that lithium fires are *amazing* , for no reason in particular
You can shoot it and it won't go off. You can set it on fire and it won't go off. But don't do both. Ask any Vietnam vet who was there in the interior. People talk about how they didn't have enough bullets, but they also didn't have enough firewood. C4 campfires were a real thing.
You just had to be very careful not to step on your "firewood" after lighting it, and not to breathe downwind of it.
Car production being a very mature and complicated industry explains why a newcomer like Tesla might have some quality control issues. But this is on another level, like shipping an unplayable bugged game but it's three tons of steel coming at you on 100 km/h.
They made deliberate decisions (e g. no crumple zones so the car stays in good shape but you break your legs). They knew they could've done things the way the rest of the industry does. They decided their way was better because Elon thinks he's brilliant & no one's willing to contradict him.
Yeah, this isn't just sloppy, it's deliberately, neglectfully awful.
I'm kinda surprised it's legal. It's that bad. There are multiple issues that I would've thought would trigger recalls, but only one has so far, afaik.
Having actually built an off road dune buggy by ripping apart a Geo Metro, and going through the process with the DMV, the requirements for "road legal car" are surprisingly trivial
They mostly care if you're going to be polluting the air and being able to signal, that you're driving scrap metal on garbage is really a lot of "you do you"
In 20 years you'd think they could have hired one or two people with automotive industry experience if they'd wanted to
I'm sure they've done that and that Musk has ignored everything they've had to say.
This is definitely an obstacle
Oh no fear, they ALSO have the QA issues It’s just that sometimes those pale next to the “we decided to invent it from first principles and literally re-make every design and safety mistake a car maker has ever made in the entire history of cars” of it all
Lmao it's the E.T. cartridge of cars
It gets even funnier. They've been working on cybertruck for 4 years instead of making anything else. Last new normal tesla was 5 years ago. And if you put your name down for a cybertruck right now, you'll have to wait something like 8-12 years for it because of how slow production is.
Even better is The F-150 Lightning went selling like hotcakes to barely moving new trucks, in part because EV trucks batteries still have issues with range that won't be solved for years if at all. Cybertruck is late to a market that will largeky pass it over.
Outside of other issues with the truck market (Truck guys tend to be *very* brand loyal and brand loyalty is pretty regional) the cybertruck really only appeals ti guys with more money then taste. I hate modern trucks but the cybertruck will get laughed at any worksite.
Or campsite. Or McDonalds. 🤣 The one where the guy couldn't get his $3000 cybertent up at a campsite, then broke it and left in a huff, is my favorite so far.
It's such a fascinating vehicle. It's been out less then year, been recalled like twice at least, there's only like 3500 or so of them out there and it can't do like...anything you'd expect from a pick up.
the Cybertruck is just an escape room for crypto bros
Just a fractal MC Escher-esque Trainwreck where each wagon in the train is made up of ever smaller trainwrecks.
By definition I think it's a Gremlin if you can't get it wet.
You can’t feed it after midnight either
This damn thing doesn't even deserve the dignity of being called a lemon. It's a fucking grapefruit.
... paperclips??? I hadn't heard that one yet
Someone should make a video of all these facts on top of that meme clip of the Spanish guy laughing at a bunch of things
One was blocking the crosswalk today so I hit it but not that hard because I was worried it would explode.