
The Library Board where I live (Kalispell) is a useful illustration of the principle that your vote has downstream effects. We don't vote for library trustees, but we vote for the County Commissioners who appoint them. If we want things to get better, we have to vote for better commissioners.
Hi everyone! One *extremely meaningful* thing you can do to fight back is to join library boards. Usually this is an appointed position, not elected. The time commitment for most public library board members is 1-2 hours monthly. I'm a former library director. Ask me anything.
And the way it's structured – three commissioners serving staggered terms, currently all three seats Republican – means that positive change is not going to happen in a single election. Like always says, we have to show up *every time*. It's a long term project.
With my local board, we are appointed by the city council. I’d like to say the council itself had no agenda, but I can’t. BUT our library is extremely liberal.