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Armchair historian, lawyer by trade. Assume sarcasm unless otherwise indicated.
Is George S going to take a cognitive test anytime soon? I’ve never seen anyone stuck on asking the same question over and over this long before.
A reminder about the kind of people the NYT will grant precious guest op-ed space.
Oddly enough it's also somehow their duty to amplify conservative voices with an already large audience. e.g. Senators who want to open fire on protestors. And when the editor of the National Review who also has a syndicated column and hosts a talk show on PBS needs yet another forum for his hate.
This thread is an adventure.
When an article says "some scientists think" then remember this: I, a scientist, once thought I could fit a whole orange in my mouth. I could, it turns out, get it in there, but I hadn't given sufficient thought to the reverse operation.
Watching Gladiator in Bryant Park because, historical accuracy be damned, I need to see a tyrant defeated tonight.
If Nixon and his inferiority complex had lived to see this, it would've killed him. The Kennedys just existing sent him spiraling, he would have keeled over to see Trump of all people be handed the kind of power that was yanked from him.
all of this for donald fucking trump of all people
Reposted byAvatar amdiamanti
AOC is giving Dems a killer election message: Give us the House and Senate and we'll throw out the corrupt justices who just blew a hole in the Constitution. They need to use it.
Full immunity for all official acts, which include stealing food, chewing cords, shredding blankets, and being too cute to be angry at.
The following have been upgraded from immediately disregard speaker as ignoramus to yeet them directly into the sun: -“It’s really a 3-3-3 court!” -“Barrett is shaping up to be a moderating force!” -any way of calling Roberts an “institutionalist”
Read the fucking room.
"How did we get here?" President Biden’s faltering debate performance last week has many Democrats worried that he will lose the election, prompting questions that get at the party’s structure and ideological rifts within it.
The Road to a Crisis: How Democrats Let Biden Glide to An 81-year-old candidate and no Plan B. “How did we get here?” one leading Democrat asks. The answer is complicated.
Fun times ahead with military authorizations, forfeiture, suspension of habeas, and pardons.
My first read: If a president commits crimes unrelated to him being the most powerful person in the world, he can be prosecuted. But if explicitly uses his powers to commit crimes, he is at least presumptively, and probably absolutely immune from prosecution. I mean, holy shit.
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Administrative agencies: very dangerous, must be line edited by Matthew Kaczmaryk President: operates behind a curtain, no peeking
Need people to assess this while keeping in mind that Trump has purged the GOP of leaders and operatives who are not loyalists.
The president is himself forever immune from prosecution for crimes committed using his official power, and he can pardon anyone for helping him to commit federal crimes, explicitly including an actions in furtherance of a coup to illegally hold onto the office of the presidency. That’s the upshot.
Really need Biden to get in front of a mic today and profusely thank SCOTUS and Trump for confirming his absolute immunity. And then maybe put on his sunglasses, smirk and say “you’ll see the results soon.”
So today we once again see the far right’s ~50 year strategy of recognizing there are in fact some major differences between the parties and acting accordingly has paid off nicely for them.
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To be very clear: I am not criticizing “the Left,” which doesn’t exist as a monolithic bloc. My issue is with this specific camp, and as much as they like to pretend they do, they really don’t represent “the Left.” In fact, they hate lefties who disagree with them at least as much as “the Libs.”
Pretty much all the same outlets who have been shrieking for days Biden must drop out because of the threat of Trump are now platforming the unchecked fascist ramblings of Trump-brain-Bannon on the eve of jail. But yeah, they only want what’s best.
Just love how the only context in which the NYT will go red alert on the threat of Trump is to attack Biden.
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This is a marvelously succinct articulation of the stakes of the 2024 election. It's by and it was how he summed up the implications of the most recent SCOTUS decisions. The theater criticism about which candidate performed better on Thursday obscures these massive stakes.
Not even a mention that Trump has now completely dodged 2 questions. What is the point of having moderators? They could just flash the questions on a screen.
So Biden’s answers are 95% substance but his voice is raspy, while Trump is just babbling bullshit but he’s really confident about it so the unanimous verdict will be Trump won.
Support prison libraries.
If you've ever thought Reader's Digest contributed nothing to society, let me tell you that two of the Klansmen in the Mississippi Burning conspiracy were badly beaten in the federal prison in Texarkana when fellow inmates read an article about them in a Reader's Digest in the prison library.
Confirmation that not only is Trump drugged up, but it’s an open secret among the GOP.
normal political party
Caturday death-stare-til-you-get-up-and-feed-me.
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Sotomayor's concurrence in Rahimi perfectly summarizes the problem with originalism as applied by the FedSoc Christofascists:
Almost buried in the waves of sludge in this piece is a shitty little stunt" "Why are people so worried about crime when crime is going down? They must have a good reason, and that could only be that the mentally ill are more dangerous than the libs will admit!"
Fuck, and I cannot say this robustly enough, this.
Heavy are the heads who wear the textualist crowns. Slows them way down when they have to come up with ever-increasingly hotter garbage.
It took them about 15 minutes to decide that the actual text of section 3 of the 14th Amendment was unenforceable and optional, and months to deliberate on the extent of a completely invented presidential immunity that’s not in the constitution at all. Objectively pro-insurrection behavior
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"With the help of a research assistant, I reached out to every union drive that went public in 2022...BLM was the (non-union) movement influence that was most widely cited by those workers who initiated union drives in 2022."
Can Anti-Racism Spur Labor Organizing? My survey findings on BLM's impact on the current unionization uptick
Too bad Jennifer Lawrence apologized for rubbing her ass on ancestral sacred rocks in Hawaii. She should have said she did it to bring attention to the climate crisis and she didn't really damage them, so anyone criticizing her tactics is just a corporate shill.
A press functioning as it should in a democracy would, instead of shaming those who need it to survive/function, frame the discussion of reliance on AC as the fault of the wealthy and powerful drivers of climate change and their paid-for politicians who refuse to combat it.
I loathe air conditioner shaming. It’s bizarre Puritan nonsense that gets vulnerable people killed in heat waves. (Did you know a lot of people who die in heat waves HAVE AC, but never turned it on?). Shut it down wherever you encounter it.
Reposted byAvatar amdiamanti
I loathe air conditioner shaming. It’s bizarre Puritan nonsense that gets vulnerable people killed in heat waves. (Did you know a lot of people who die in heat waves HAVE AC, but never turned it on?). Shut it down wherever you encounter it.
Interesting article to run prior to a weekend where we expect a devastating heat wave and label it as “climate solutions”