
I don’t want to generalize too much but the place I see the most hope right now is from those that have been fighting the hardest for the longest time. Extended doomerism can be a luxury not afforded to those who have the most to lose.
I say this having gone through periods of depression, suicidality & self-harm. Hopelessness is something I can’t avoid but I can choose to believe that it will pass, especially if I work with other who struggle with the same things. Hopelessness and community can’t exist in the same heart for long.
I won't claim to be among the "hardest for the longest time" people, but I've been in this for a little while, in my own hermetic way, and I live by "pessimism of the intellect, optimism of the will". There's a LOT of reason to be hopeless, but no time or energy to spare on such things.
Hopeless, no. Realist, yes. Saying we are going to "vote all of them out NOW" is just not realistic. Neither is overwhelming defeat of the opposition candidate. This is a generational battle and you are either all in or looking for a way out. I am on the fence right now, frankly.
I'm personally shifting my focus a bit. Still advocating for unions and organizing as a way to oppose fascism and fight climate change, but also trying to live my life a little, and do things that are important to me. It's a difficult balance to find :-/
Put another way, "If I can't dance, I don't want to be in your revolution"
Honestly, I am focusing locally this year. My state is mostly blue, and I would like to keep it that way-I feel like my time and money are more effectively spent there.
Got some work to do first, but I think there's a chapter of Food Not Bombs nearby that I'm gonna join.
Think globally (or nationally), act locally
Correct. >.> Also. People who are talking about fleeing are very privileged, and we see how they don't actually give a fuck about the most vulnerable that they're willing to give up, even before the fucking election.
You do understand that for some people fleeing isn't "yay I'm moving to an apartment in Ontario with all my stuff" and is more "crossing the border and desperately applying for temporary residency and/or asylum in Canada/Mexico" yes? If it's as bad as you think that's what fleeing will look like.