Andie Sophia 🏳️‍⚧️

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Andie Sophia 🏳️‍⚧️

Writer ☆ she/her ☆ Editor at Iceland Review ☆ Most posts in English, sometimes Icelandic ☆ Very queer, very left ☆ Discord: andie.sophia ☆ Land Back
trans flag flower bed by the highway lfg
maybe not a big deal but it was a cold, cloudy day this morning so i left the house with a hoodie over this tee. later it got sunny and warm so i ditched the hoodie and hit the crowds downtown. for once, i felt absolutely great about being visibly trans. fuck you, dysphoria!
(alt text version) yeah imagine if he did that! wouldn't that be something?? and hey as long as we're imagining things that will never happen in a billion years, imagine if columnists put a tenth of the energy into warning against fascism that they do into writing trump fanfiction
I have never read anything more credulous than Axios’s thing about Trump this morning. Like…
mannn wtf is going on over there
Please help, I'm trapped on this island, no no don't rescue me, just blow it up
sunset, reykjavík, approx. 1am summer is brief at this latitude, and sunny days even briefer. i try my best to make it a point to get out and soak up those photons while they last, the memories of which get me through the long dark winters. p sure there's a lesson in that somewhere idk
huh. weird, i thought they stopped making flux capacitors
PSA Nords It's Tiber Septim, or Ysmir, or just the surname. It's not "Dragonborn" and--I'm begging you here--it is not "Talos" under any circumstances whatsoever. No. Bad.
PSA America It's President Biden, or (the) President of the United States, or just the surname. It's not "President Joe" and--I'm begging you here--it is not "Dark Brandon" under any circumstances whatsoever. No. Bad.
What are four films you don't just dislike, you despise. 🎥 #Filmsky
youse can pry "youse" from my cold dead hands
If heaven ain’t a lot like Dixie, I don’t want to go.
So if you do this you’re an unhinged lunatic and you shouldn’t be allowed around other human beings
reminiscent of that person who dropped into r/socialism asking for tips on how to be more social
Hank Hill IRL
for work related reasons i am looking at historic icelandic flags. in this thread, i will review and rank them, from worst to best. we begin with this one, the flag of denmark, our flag from 1523-1918. emblem of colonialism, and boring as hell. yawn.
the flag of the kalmar union, our flag from 1397-1523. same motif, but at least the colours are more interesting, which is why it ranks slightly above denmark's. kinda reminds me of mcdonald's though.
Banner of Arms of The Icelandic Commonwealth, our flag from 930–1262. what are we, a football team? this looks like a jersey, not a flag. still, it departs from the nordic cross motif so it gets points for that.
our current flag. i know i gave the commonwealth flag points for departing from the cross motif, so you may be wondering why this ranks higher. i just like the chosen colours. and "cross within a cross" is dynamic. it makes you ask "wow, is that cross flying right at me??" keeps you on your toes
TIE: the royal banner of norway (1262–1397) and the Royal Standard of the King of Iceland (1921–1944) i'm a sucker for animals on flags. any flag is improved by putting lions, falcons, unicorns, alligators, whatever. the norwegian flag has more dynamic colours, but a bird with a crown? count me in!
flag of "King Jörundur" (July 11th 1809-August 19th 1809) the clear winner. look at this unit. they put FISH on a FLAG. fish that are ready for salting and selling no less. also tells the world "we fish fish" and that's pretty icelandic alright. should replace the current one. no notes, 10/10
the first draft of the novel i started writing on new years day is at last complete! i feel relief, and also miss writing it, but it ended where it wanted to. now begins the final editing process, looking for a publisher and all that fun stuff gotta wait til the weekend to celebrate but wooo🎉
out here on the occasion of iceland's 80th anniversary of independence from colonial rule and a pair of troubadours are singing a satirical song about the joys of being on unemployment benefits. fátt meira íslenskt en það
if there's one thing this guy believes it's ABM (always be murping)