
You know what’s bad for women- you, specifically.
Good thing I didn't say pitchforks were involved. You ignore the shortcomings of this new system for removing elected Democrats from office. Why not allow an investigation? Why not support democracy & due process? And if you hand a seat to the GOP it could affect SCOTUS. Which is bad for... women!
It's funny, I unfollowed Molly right before seeing her stale accusations against Al Franken. Way too much posting. Disrespects voters. Known woman and top reporter Jane Mayer investigated the accusations against Franken for those who want more background.
The Case of Al A close look at the accusations against the former senator.
People act like we somehow lost Franken’s seat to a Republican and not a progressive female senator who has done great.
1) This time, this new system for driving out Democrats resulted in a good Dem being appointed. Next time, maybe not. 2) We should not so eagerly overturn the will of the voters or risk being hypocrites on democracy. 3) I don't understand why you all oppose investigations in favor of accusations.
Franken held on for three weeks after the Tweeden allegations surfaced, giving his colleagues no basis on which to defend him as new accusers kept coming forward. How long were they supposed to wait? How many accusers should have been their limit?
i can't imagine why someone would continue to relitigate this six years later, its time to move on. franken has.
Ask Molly. She brought it up. Franken regrets resigning. My concern is the standard of accusation = guilt only works to remove Democrats from power. And it can be abused. Hell, it was abused in the Franken case. This has been eye opening how many people on the "left" lack principles.
You didn't answer my question, though. Franken spent three weeks failing to build an argument that his colleagues could use on his behalf, failing to give them a sense of what shoes were left to drop. Meanwhile, new accusers kept coming forward. Did they have an obligation to wait indefinitely?
They had an obligation to wait for the investigation. They had an obligation to support due process and responsible fault-finding but refused. Now, how many of those Senators have called for the crook Clarence Thomas to resign? Or be investigated by the Senate? Not even a handful. It's crazy.
Clarence Thomas and the Island-hopping on a superyacht. Private jet rides around the world. The undisclosed gifts to Thomas have no known precedent in the modern history of the Supreme Court. “It’s incomprehensible to me tha...
They didn't force him to resign. They told him that if he didn't resign, he'd face consequences, because his ongoing actions—his failure to mount a competent defense or explanation for a firehose of allegations—was hurting the party. Why was that unreasonable?
i just can't believe you're this upset about Al Franken, six years later.
it's been eye-opening how obsessive misogyny makes people defend their favorites when allegations (which he did not deny!) of being a sex pest come to light.
And there we go again. More inability to deal with the substance of concerns and more ad hominem. "If you disagree with me, you are a misogynist." Ugh.
The really simple solution is to not run for office if you’ve repeatedly been inappropriate with women. Not tough to just be appropriate and respectful with women, tbh. There are only 100 Senators. They should be able to not suck.
i'm sorry you can't read between the lines so ill be explicit: the substance of your concerns are overinflated and outdated. Your 1 example happened 6 years ago! It's been shown to be unwarranted. Given that Smith is as good or better than Franken, the obsession borders on the absurd.
Plus, this was all being done in an environment where Democrats were hammering figures like Roy Moore and Brett Kavanaugh and couldn’t afford to be hypocrites politically, let alone morally.
Feel free to investigate Andy- Al Franken clearly didn’t think it would exonerate him
“New system for driving out Democrats.” That’s a yikes for me.