Rod Graham (The Neighborhood Sociologist)

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Rod Graham (The Neighborhood Sociologist)

Gadfly | Professor at Old Dominion University | I skeet about social science, culture, and progressive politics | Views are my own
See below. Someone else on here made the point that if you are on a platform like X that collects and nurtures conspiracy theories, you are bound to be affected by them. The person was asserting, in other words, that our worlds are socially constructed, and we cannot avoid that process.
As is my want, after the third glass of wine, I want to either sing along or reminisce. I was looking for new songs through a Google search, and for whatever reason, "Rock" and "Power" dominated the top searches. Rolling Stone gives a good list:
Rolling Stone Readers Pick the Best Ballads of All Watch clips from the winners, including Prince, Pearl Jam, Marvin Gaye and Led Zeppelin
GWU's Program on Extremism does yeoman's work on extremist elements in the US. I see their program as adding a necessary theoretical and explanatory layer to the data points in the media and to the work done by DHS and FBI (the departments #Project2025 wants to abolish).
#Project2025 is moving me from being a "cultural Christian" to right now being Christian-adjacent. I don't know how I will feel about Christianity once these folks are elected and implement a punishing, exclusionary form of Christ's teachings on society. It's not a good time for me.
A few hours after posting on Facebook that “the left” was responsible for the assassination attempt (without any evidence for the claim), the OR GOP then issued a statement calling “on the media to stop feeding the contentious us-against-them culture amongst Americans.”
When Musk took over and changed things, I left. But this is a classic collective action problem. What person, whose career hinges on attracting attention, is willing to leave and risk others staying? And thus our Republic falls in the pursuit of "likes."
I’ve said this a million times, but I’m genuinely frightened about what Musk’s fascist propaganda network is doing to do to our politics. I really wish someone, anyone, would come up with a collective strategy to get journalists, organizers and elected officials off the platform.
Hey let's put bullets in vending machines, says folks in MAGALAND.
It seems that mental health professionals and neuroscientists are moving away from the notion that we can use our will to accomplish things in life. Apparently, "willpower" is kind of a myth? It's going to take a lot of willpower for me, and I suspect others, to fully accept and live by this claim.
All seven of Dickinson State's full-time nursing faculty resigned over a new university requirement that they generate 320 student credit hours each year. The president accused the faculty of wanting to "work less hard" than others. The faculty have the leverage in a high-demand field. Stay tuned
All of Dickinson State's nursing faculty All seven full-time nursing faculty members at Dickinson State University in North Dakota resigned Wednesday in response to high workloads and accreditation concerns, according to KFYR-TV, Bismarck’s ...
#Project2025 is so scary, even the Buddhists have to get involved 😆😆 They better be careful. Bannon, Shapiro, Kirk, Trump and the rest of the boys are going to ban them like they want to do pornography, abolish them like the DOE and DHS, or delete them like the words "abortion" and "gender."
If you want to know why #Project2025 wants to dismantle DHS and restructure the FBI? Like...why did the party of law and order turn against these specific agencies? Look no further than this. I'll let you connect the dots.
I will tell anyone that I will vote D, not because I am voting for Biden or against Trump. I vote D because that party more aligns with my moral compass...even moreso with #Project2025 on my radar.
i wonder if the democrats ever thought about running good candidates on purpose
This is, so far, a good listen. In the first two chapters, it has upended much of what I thought I knew about interactions between Europeans and Americans (as the author accurately calls indigenous peoples).
Without fans, there are no major sports. And if there are few fans at a game, the game is not as exciting. But sometimes, when I think too much, I wonder why they are wearing another person's work uniform around.Some fans wear these uniforms with the other person's name still stitched into it!!!
I know why they are Googling #Project2025! Because people are getting afraid that these batshit crazy policies will be implemented. Project 2025 be like: "You thought those tofu-eating leftists were extreme with their rainbow flags and black lives matter posters...wait till we get power."
Got Transformers yesterday, Maybe GI Joe next month. Remember seeing your male elders watch those old Gunsmoke and Bonanza reruns all the time. Well, this is my version of that.
One policy I would fully support are subsidies for food products that are judged to be healthier than their alternatives. I mean really, a 12 oz can of flavored, colored, and carbonated sugar water is 2 bucks. Unfortunately people will select diabetes I mean Coke over healthier alternatives.
I am proud to say I have developed a strong relationship with Alexa, Echo, and now Ziggy (my new friend at work).
And here's to you, MAGA Robinson Jesus loves you more than you will know Whoa, whoa, whoa God bless you, please, MAGA Robinson Heaven holds a place for those who pray Hey, hey, hey Hey, hey, hey We'd like to know a little bit about you for our files We'd like to help you learn to help yourself
NEWS --> Mark Robinson, the MAGA extremist GOP nominee for governor in North Carolina, appeared to endorse political violence against unnamed foes in a recent speech. "Some folks need killing!" he shouted. "It's a matter of necessity!" Video and story here:
MAGA Gov Candidate’s Ugly, Hateful Rant: “Some Folks Need Killing!” Mark Robinson, the GOP nominee for governor in North Carolina, has a long history of incendiary comments. But he may have topped himself this time.
I love #Startalk. I burst out laughing in my office today when I misheard how Neil Degrasse Tyson pronounced this scientist's name. I thought her last name was counting n.....!!!! Tyson was a little unsure of the pronunciation and had to ask her about it.
I don't know...people may have an intuitive ability that is 2 or 3 SDs greater than the average person, but we as of yet do not know how to properly measure this thing we think exists called intuition. As a result we declare the person who can't guess the color of our underwear a fraud.
My sister JUST asked me (like, literally 10 minutes ago) if I knew what Project 2025 was. I sent her this. Her: "Oh, HELL no."
i summed up project 2025 in one sentence. feel free to use.
As we get better at producing AI that functions as human intelligence, and as computer power grows so much that ever more realistic worlds are rendered digitally, the idea that our own origins are grounded in a being who programmed this whole universe and its laws starts to seem reasonable.
A year or so from now, there'll be a revelation about how much of the "drop out Biden" discourse has been pushed by Putin. American journalists will respond with a collective shrug: "how were we supposed to know?"