
can't forget the great pollster Celinda Lake explaining to a voter in a focus group what a trimester is (the first third of pregnancy) only to have him say: What's that in months though? Dividing 9 by 3 was too much math. 'Don't know much about history/don't know much biology' 🎶
To be fair, it's not actually 9 months; human pregnancies are ~ten lunar months/menstrual cycles or 40 weeks/280 days long - much easier to count!
And a trimester is a group of three months. It's commonly, but not exclusively, used in reference to pregnancy.
As both a university professor and mother of 3, I am well aware.
I cannot stop laughing at the blatant mansplaining, absolutely wild
I did not think she needed it explained, I just thought mentioning the definition was a useful contribution to the discussion.
Sorry to double reply but maybe I can clarify. In the context of Sara Manns's post above, about a pollster having had to tell a voter what it meant, I thought it was relevant that it literally means "three months" and isn't only used with pregnancy, *not* that anyone here didn't know that.