Amber Lusvardi

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Amber Lusvardi

Assistant Professor of Political Science at University of Wisconsin Oshkosh. Agenda setting, gender & politics. Embodying the spirit of Leslie Knope and the Hamburglar.
I closed my eyes really tight for a minute hoping this was actually an Onion headline.
Sometimes you’re having a rough day and then you witness an adult man comically falling off a skateboard.
A good diet book doesn’t exi-
Reposted byAvatar Amber Lusvardi
It's time to expand the Airbud franchise to put talented dogs into additional job positions: Apartment Manager, Air Traffic Controller, Secretary of State
The farmer’s market has finally returned so I can get out my most pretentious tote bags.
Reposted byAvatar Amber Lusvardi
Tarana Burke on MeToo and the courts: "It’s not about the failure of the movement; it’s the failure of the systems. These systems are not designed to help survivors, they’re not designed to give us justice, they’re not designed to end sexual violence.”
Obsessed with this contender for Wisconsin’s fat bird week.
Prepared to be completely insufferable all day.
I love living in the Midwest because I just had Snickers salad as one of the salad offerings at a catered lunch.
More bafflement
Why are media orgs doing this “mildly baffled” framing re: assaults in NYC? Kate Manne: Misogyny is the enforcement arm of the patriarchy.
Being 42 years old = “I slept weird on my neck last night” is about to ruin my next 4 days.
Why are media orgs doing this “mildly baffled” framing re: assaults in NYC? Kate Manne: Misogyny is the enforcement arm of the patriarchy.
When you are most definitely a very serious political scientist. Polisky
MPSA peeps: I’m presenting on movement involvement with state and local actors over the Line 5 pipeline this afternoon. Panel ends just in time to go root for Purdue in the Final Four. Polisky
Prepared for ConnectionsTok to lose its collective mind.
Today at WPSA will be presenting our coauthored paper at 3:15 pm on the panel “Legislation Targeting the LGBTQ Community.” We look forward to feedback on our paper of the framing of the anti-trans legislation debate in state legislatures.
I examine the use of traumatic storytelling as a pathway to agenda setting in this new article in I consider the benefits and limitations of personal narrative in the policy process Polisky policysky
If you’re interested in how low salience gender justice issues reach the legislative agenda — check out my new article in I focus specifically on efforts to ban child marriage in state legislatures.
In a 🚨New Article🚨 Amber Lusvardi explains how a small group of activists got a low salience political issue on legislative agendas across the United States. Lusvardi finds that traumatic storytelling was a key element in agenda setting on the movement to end child marriage.
“Sorry That Happened to You”: Testifying, Trauma, and the Politics of Child Marriage in the United In the United States, the marriage of minors remains legal in 40 of 50 states despite evidence that the practice often leads to the physical, sexual, and emotional abuse of girls. As a political is...
I believe your Monday requires this photo of my dog resting his head on his little doggy pillow.
Last week I taught my students about the gender ambition gap in politics and this week I am once again shouting into the void that we don’t have a single woman running for common council. I know I’m supposed to be part of the solution but can’t one single thing just be easy?
I feel like for $12/month Dropbox should give me the functionality to chat my coauthor inside the document we’re both working on. Yes, my phone is 7 inches away, but it is the principle.
Well it’s an 8 am article rejection sort of a day. I suppose I have no choice but to follow the template set by and head to Woodman’s after work for a respectable bottle of champagne.
I told my class I would make them a March Madness-style tournament using photos of their pets and this took MUCH longer than anticipated.
Saturday morning in Milwaukee
Yes, I know the journal will email me once a decision has been made. And no, that will not stop me from checking the portal.
I love living in Wisconsin but on the downside “Potential VP Aaron Rodgers” is now local news.
I had the absolute honor of meeting Chanel Miller today. Named as “Emily Doe” in the Brock Turner case, she wrote a memoir reclaiming her name. Something she said about the necessity of storytelling was “any time you are sharing something vulnerable, it is a gift to someone.”